Clock ticking on Warner Bros. succession

posted by Michael Zoldessy on March 25, 2009 at 9:45 am

Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes looks to the future as the looming exit of the top two Warner Bros. executives points towards a change in practices for the studio.

With the heads of Warner Bros. signing only two-year contract extensions, Time Warner Inc. Chief Executive Jeff Bewkes will focus on succession and how the movie and television studio should be managed in the face of tectonic shifts in the entertainment industry and a harsh economic environment.

The performance of the legendary Hollywood studio, with its rich legacy of producing cultural touchstones such as Looney Tunes and the “Harry Potter” series, will receive closer scrutiny as it becomes more important to the bottom line of parent Time Warner in the wake of its spinning off its cable TV systems.

Read the full story at the Los Angeles Times.

Comments (2)

markp on March 25, 2009 at 9:41 pm

I hope I’m wrong, but watch this once mighty distributor go down the tubes. They already said they dont want to print anymore film prints for reportory. They said as the prints get unrunable, they just make them digital.

moviebuff82 on March 26, 2009 at 2:19 pm

The sole transfer from which thousands of copies get transferred to theaters will also be used for home entertainment use, which is cost effective to every studio in the near future.

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