Baltimore city’s “Strategy Group” decides non-profit will not work

posted by Maximillian Genus on April 7, 2009 at 7:54 am

BALTIMORE, MD — The group, formerly known as the ‘steering committee’, formed at the request of the mayor have finally made their recommendations.

The Senator could not survive as a non-profit organization without an annual government subsidy. The alternatives:

  • Option 1: Baltimore City purchase the theatre by foreclosing on their loan, paying off 1st Mariner and then finding a management organization to run the theatre (either via sale or long-term lease, thereby recouping some of their outlay), still as a 1st run movie house.

  • Option 2: Allow 1st Mariner’s foreclosure to proceed and plan to “work closely” with whomever wins the bid. However, even they admit that they’d have limited say with this option.

More on: Friends of the Senator.

Theaters in this post

Comments (2)

Maximillian Genus
Maximillian Genus on April 12, 2009 at 9:44 am

Strategy Group recommendations were dated March 31. No response from city hall since then.
The auction countdown continues… Now only 8 Days left.

Public C.H.A.P. hearing is this Tuesday.

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