Adaptive reuse and Odeon

posted by Michael Zoldessy on May 18, 2009 at 3:45 pm

They may not be gone, but these theaters are only shells of their former selvers. Here’s a sad look at what’s become of some former palaces of the Odeon chain.

They began as futuristic constructions – with immense pillars triumphantly reaching skywards, and smooth curves inspired by ocean-going liners stretching to the horizon.

And the unmistakeable excitement of what they contained was always declared proudly in huge lettering outside: ODEON.

Now, sadly, as these photographs show, the buildings of the legendary cinema chain have become uninspiring shopping blocks, bingo halls and stationary superstores.

Read more and see pics at the Daily Mail.

Comments (1)

danpetitpas on May 18, 2009 at 4:18 pm

Great article and pictures. Extremely sad these theaters were either knocked down or remade into bingo parlors.

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