Due to Boyd Theatre, Philadelphia passes law to protect public interiors
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June 24, 2009 at 7:48 am
PHILADELPHIA, PA — The movement to save Philadelphia’s last premiere movie palace, the Boyd Theatrea has led Philadelphia to pass a law to protect landmark public interiors!
City Council yesterday approved two measures that could boldly affect the way the city looks, by establishing a vision for waterfront development and protecting historic buildings' interiors.
The bills, which would create a 100-foot setback along seven miles of Delaware River waterfront and allow interiors to be designated as historic, passed by overwhelming margins, and Mayor Nutter has indicated he would sign them into law.
Read the full story in the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Comments (8)
Great news for this one. Too late for many, many others.
Prior to now, Philadelphia has not had the authority to landmark interiors?????? Are you kidding me? All of those historic interiors and they have never had any real protection? I find that incredibly hard to believe. Nonetheless, better late than never. Way too late for the Mastbaum and all of the other bygone Philadelphia Palaces, but hopefully the legislative lifeline that will save the Boyd!
Great news for this one. Too late for many, many others.
is agreed, movie534. Bravo!!
Oops—my bad. I forgot to put quotation marks around your sentence. Sorry about that, movie534.
Great news!
I’m sure there are business interests in Philadelphia, just as there are everywhere else. So I’m surprised something like this passed. But it is definitely welcome news.
the forces of development usually find a way around these things, if they want something gone, it usually happens. These things are passed, but rarely have any teeth, a building is demo'ed against a court-ordered stay and no one goes to jail, or has a day in court.
That’s really too bad. Developers who do that are into their very own agenda, and don’t care a bit about the town/city/people that they purport to be serving and helping.