On its 70th anniversary, former manager shares memories of Houston’s River Oaks
HOUSTON, TX — Former manager and regular patron since she was very young, Sarah Gish shares her memories of the the River Oaks which soldiers on, even though threatened with demolition in a city not known for the preservation of its classic movie theaters.
The River Oaks Theatre turned 70 a couple of months ago and we celebrated with cake and drinks. The party reminded me how special that cool historic building is to me —– and how it’s more than just a movie theater. It’s a touchstone in my life.
I went there as a kid when it was a repertory theater and I got to see exciting new worlds in movies like Nicholas and Alexandra, although I didn’t get to stay to the end as I have a vague memory of my parents whisking me out because of some disgusting food scene. Later, as an adult, I loved going there not only for the wonderful art films, but also for the camaraderie, the delicious herbal tea and foreign chocolate bars.
Read more at culturemap.com.
(Thanks to cybertoad for providing the photo.)