Color drawings of the interiors of historic theatres for sale
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January 22, 2010 at 7:45 am
I’m new to your site, but I have always been interested in old theatres, partly due to the fact I am a theatre organist. In spare time, I draw the interior of old movie theatres/palaces, and I now offer these for sale.
They are in color, 8" by 11" and are of places like the Brooklyn Fox, Loew’s Kings, New York City Roxy, etc. They are ready for framing, and are available at a resonable price. They have been featured in the American Theatre Organ Magazine September 2008. I also except commissions.
I can be reached at fahner@alumni.fdu.edu or 1-201-321-5319. Contact me for more info and a list of available theatres and those to come.
Eric Fahner
Comments (1)
They sound lovely. I wish I could fly you to CA to render my fav movie house.