Former AMC Star Rochester gets $4.2 million makeover

posted by CSWalczak on October 25, 2010 at 3:40 pm

ROCHESTER, MI — EMagine Theaters is in the midst of making major renovations to the former AMC Star Rochester which closed in 2007. Improved seating and wider aisles will reduce the seat count to 1,900 from the original 3,200. The renovated theater will have upgraded food service and VIP seating in some of the screening rooms.

New and bigger screens, more comfortable seats and wider aisles mean seating will drop from 3,200 seats to 1,900 seats in the 10-theater complex at Rochester and Auburn roads, said Emagine Entertainment founder and Chairman Paul Glantz.

To appeal to patrons who might have theater systems in their homes, Emagine Rochester Hills will offer about 20 luxury seating spots in each theater. For an extra $2.50 per ticket, guests will be able to watch flicks from high-backed leather rockers with a table between every two chairs.

The full story is in the Detroit Free Press.

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Comments (1)

Alto on October 26, 2010 at 3:57 pm

That’s a loss of 1300 seats! My God, just HOW big ARE these new seats going to be? Is this all that American moviegoers (and exhibitors) care about – big-ass seats and expanded food service? Ridiculous.

I swear, if Americans get any fatter, soon the seats will be AS wide as the screens themselves!

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