Historic Ridgewood Theatre needs saviour ASAP

posted by NativeForestHiller on November 18, 2010 at 9:57 am

QUEENS, NY — Please help in any way you can: Friends of the Ridgewood Theatre in Ridgewood, NY is seeking a historically-minded performing arts group &/or film operator ASAP, or its rare Adamesque interior by Thomas Lamb will be gone forever and Queens and Brooklyn will be robbed of a true theater of great potential for emerging artists and NYC patrons. Opened in 1916, this is Queens' earliest theater, which experienced the evolution of vaudeville and film. The outside is landmarked, but that is not enough. Please spread the word, and e-mail with potential leads.

These are some photos.

Also, join the Facebook Group for Friends of The Ridgewood Theatre, & encourage your friends to join by clicking on “invite people to join link.” This gem’s future is up to US!

  • Michael Perlman
    Friends of The Ridgewood Theatre, Chair
    Four Borough Neighborhood Preservation Alliance, Queens VP

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Comments (3)

TLSLOEWS on November 18, 2010 at 10:10 am

With all the folks who post on this theatre, you would think that someone would step up and do something to save it.Or maybe its a lot of talk about nothing.Good luck on any effort to save this historic theatre.

NativeForestHiller on November 21, 2010 at 4:38 am

Talk about nothing? I founded Friends of The Ridgewood Theatre when the theater shuttered suddenly in March 2008, and I am spearheading the cause to preserve and creatively reuse this early and great work by Thomas W. Lamb, America’s foremost theater architect. The facade’s landmarking has been achieved after 2 years, and now we are doing all we can to help the owners either find a new party to sell it to, find tenants, or partners. Hopefully, performing arts with community spaces. Please forward this appeal to all your friends who may be able to help this noble cause. It takes a few minutes. Thank you!

TLSLOEWS on November 21, 2010 at 8:58 pm

No disrespect Native,I was just thinking that with all the interest and comments of this theatre it should surely have more support at being saved than many other theatres,Once again good luck in you efforts.

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