San Francisco Fox items for sale
posted by
February 12, 2010 at 7:30 am
These are some items I have from the Fox Theatre. I have some large scale plaster pieces that I cannot use. Two columns from the lobby about 16 feet tall with marble bases. One cartouche that’s about 6 feet wide and four feet tall.
Provide your email address for photos. This is heavy stuff and must be picked up (SF Bay area).
Comments (6)
May I please have photos of what is available? simoninaurora@yahoo.com
I have a friend, JOSEPH MUSIL (hisotiran and theater architect) who operates the non-profit American Museum of Theatrical Design in Santa Ana. He might be able to add any such Fox items to those I donated to his SF Fox display, namely a Cherub from above the original candy counter.
I would like to see what you are selling as well. moviebear1@aol.com
Hello. I’d love to take a look at the wares. Please email them to hannah.hwang@asufaculty.net Thank you.
Mine is your first reply and, as of today’s date, I’ve not received your reply.
Interetsed in the fixtures, please send photos to clw101@gmail.com
Simon, does Joseph’s museum have a website? It sounds fascinating.
What else do you have to sale?