Lebowsky rebuilding plan progresses and the rebuilt theater will be a “green” building

posted by steelbeard1 on March 23, 2010 at 7:45 am

OWOSSO, MI — The Owosso City Council approved a brownfield redevelopment plan for the Lebowsky Center on March 15, the same day bids became due for the rebuilding of the theater’s walls and roof. The brownfield plan was due to the fire-gutted theater’s declaration by the city accessor as functionally obsolete. This made the theater eligible for tax credits and other state assistance for the Owosso Community Players to rebuild the theater. Details from the Argus Press.

Meanwhile Bazzani Associates, the general contractor for the rebuilding, has committed itself to making the rebuilt Lebowsky Center an LEED certified “green” building. Details on this angle from the Grand Rapids Environmental News Examiner.

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Comments (1)

MiltonSmith on March 28, 2010 at 1:12 pm

Very sad to see all the comments on that article. Its the same mind set that has led to so many classic theatres meeting the wrecking ball. “Its old, it can’t be any good, tear it down!” and “why do we need a theatre anyways? Can’t they use another building?” geez.

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