All About the Regency Village, Regency Bruin & Majestic Crest Theatres

posted by nickmatonak on April 12, 2010 at 5:10 pm

A free, comprehensive history presentation and insider’s tour of three beloved landmark historic theatres
A chance to see and appreciate these theatres as never before…

Saturday, April 17, 9:15am; doors open at 9:00am
Event begins at the Regency Village Theatre, 961 Broxton, L.A., 90024 and
Ends at the Majestic Crest Theatre, 1262 Westwood, L.A., 90024 &
Plentiful parking in Westwood
Free Admission. The Public is Invited.

Celebrate Regency Theatres' recent salvation of the Village and Bruin and learn about their rich histories – including several “face-lifts”. Take an insider’s tour to generally forbidden off-limits areas. Then, walk over to the Majestic Crest – slightly detouring en route to say hello to Marilyn Monroe and friends – and discover how this former legit house reinvented itself via Disney, Pacific Theatres, and Robert Bucksbaum.
Three amazing single screen historic theatres, a cemetery chockfull of the famous and dead, and a chance to rediscover Westwood – all in one Saturday morning!

POWERPOINT HISTORIES —– researched and presented by theatre historian Ed Kelsey. See how the Village, Bruin and Majestic Crest have changed over the years. What’s original? What’s Skouras? What’s Disney? Hear the stories of these great theatres from their beginnings through today.
TOUR BEHIND-THE-SCENES —– get a real insider’s look.
DISCOVER —– how you can support the continuing successful operation of these historic gems.
EDUCATE & ADVOCATE —– find out how you can become actively involved in LAHTF’s ongoing theatre preservation work around SoCal. Brief updates on the Friends of the Fairfax, Inglewood Fox Theatre Alliance, Grauman’s Chinese, Golden Gate, Atlantic, and LA’s Broadway Theatres.

Regency Village Theatre (1931 —– Percy Parke Lewis) formerly Village, Fox Westwood Village, Mann Village

Regency Bruin Theatre (1937 —– S. Charles Lee)

Majestic Crest (1940 —– Arthur W. Hawes) Westwood, UCLAN, Metro, Pacific Crest, Crest, Westwood Crest

Join the Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation on FaceBook –!/group.php?gid=125430125723

Many people are fascinated by the architecture of fantasy so beautifully on display in Southern California’s great historic theatres. People are also curious about how the theatres work. What does it look like backstage? What do the performers see when they look out across the footlights? Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation’s “All About” series gives the public an insider’s look at these wonderful theatres and share parts of their histories – good and bad – as a way to encourage people to become actively involved in protecting and ensuring their futures.
The LAHTF is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting, preserving, restoring and supporting the operation of Southern California’s historic theatres. For more information visit

(Thanks to Don Solosan for providing the photo.)

Comments (3)

DonSolosan on April 12, 2010 at 10:45 pm

The Insiders Peek video for these three theaters is up on YouTube:

Simon Overton
Simon Overton on April 13, 2010 at 8:42 pm

More about the Majestic Crest' (previous restoration) can be seen in a one-wall display at the AMERICAN MUSEUM OF THEATRICAL DESIGN.
207 North Broadway, in the beautiful Santora Arts Building, 2nd floor, in historic downtown Santa Ana, Ca. 97201.

CALL FIRST for hours; 714-667-6959 and receive a personally guided tour of many model theaters built to scale surrounding Mr. Musil’s magnificent STRAND THEATRE.

A donation is recommended (the AMTD is a non-profit)and ask him about his fabulous “Symphonic Cavalcade of Music, Lights and Curtains” display -it’s like nothing else you have seen before!

Simon Overton
Simon Overton on April 13, 2010 at 8:42 pm

More about the Majestic Crest' (previous restoration) can be seen in a one-wall display at the AMERICAN MUSEUM OF THEATRICAL DESIGN.
207 North Broadway, in the beautiful Santora Arts Building, 2nd floor, in historic downtown Santa Ana, Ca. 97201.

CALL FIRST for hours; 714-667-6959 and receive a personally guided tour of many model theaters built to scale surrounding Mr. Musil’s magnificent STRAND THEATRE.

A donation is recommended (the AMTD is a non-profit)and ask him about his fabulous “Symphonic Cavalcade of Music, Lights and Curtains” display -it’s like nothing else you have seen before!

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