Landmarked Ridgewood Theatre available: Call for Proposals
QUEENS, NY — On Jan 12, 2010, the 1916 Ridgewood Theatre, 55-27 Myrtle Ave earned Individual Landmark status after nearly 2 years of advocacy by Chair Michael Perlman of Friends of The Ridgewood Theatre, and also due to parties who testified in favor including the owners: http://www.nyc.gov/html/lpc/downloads/pdf/reports/ridgewoodQ.pdf
The theater is a Greek Revival gem with great square footage, was deemed the longest continuously operating first-run theater upon closure, witnessed a series of firsts in vaudeville and film history, and was designed by the renowned Thomas Lamb.
Closed since March 2008, the owners announced plans in March 2009 to adaptively/creatively reuse the ground floor auditorium as retail, with modern screens upstairs, as well as preserve and restore the historic interior. Currently, the owners may not pursue their plan, and would consider leasing to art, entertainment, cultural groups, or any combination, or selling the theater. Friends of The Ridgewood Theatre is trying to help the owners by finding an individual or group(s) with a creative vision, who value its architectural and cultural history, and will make it an economically viable venture for the up & coming neighborhood of Ridgewood, and accompanying neighborhoods to enjoy. Paul Kerzner of the Ridgewood Property Owners Civic Association is also trying to find such parties.
Please e-mail Chair Michael Perlman at with inquiries and proposals, and all information will be relayed to the owners. *This information is not a representation of the owners, is believed to be accurate, and is subject to change.