WANTED: Old Theater sound equipment (amplifiers, power amps, preamps, limiters, mixers)

posted by JOliver on May 24, 2010 at 7:24 am

I buy and restore vintage tube equipment and am currently looking for old theater tube sound equipment. I often find this antiquated stuff sitting and rotting in vacant theaters and it really is a shame. I will buy this stuff and put it to good use. I am interested in equipment by Altec, Langevin, IPC, RCA, Western Electric, Fairchild, Electro Voice, etc. I am located in New England but I will travel anywhere if you have something I am really interested in

Comments (1)

GreenTreeMatt on June 1, 2010 at 11:53 pm

I am in the old greentree 4 theater in clarksville IN, i may have some stuff for you, i am not sure the best way would be for me to send you pics of what i think i might have……. are you interested it was built in 1968

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