Looking for theater seats

posted by CommonWealth on June 2, 2010 at 7:30 am


We’re looking for approximately 100 theatre seats that can be attached to audience risers. Used are fine as long as they are in good condition and do not require reupholstering. Please email pictures and/or descriptions.

Thank you!

Comments (1)

lsnidle on October 19, 2010 at 8:29 am

Are you still looking for seats? If so please email me at We have 183 antique theater seats for sale in Southern Illinois. They were installed in our church in the early 60’s and are believed to be from the Art Deco age (1920-1930). I do not know a lot of history but have been told they came out of a local movie theater in West Salem, Illinois. We have 21 rows of 5 seats and 13 rows of 6 seats. They are in very good shape. The padded seats were recovered in the early 80’s. They are cast iron frames with wood backs and wood arm rest. Let me know if you are interested and we will discuss cost, we are using the proceeds towards the remodeling of our church

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