Sony to deploy 4k to AMC’s in UK
According to DCinema Today , Sony Professional will install 4K projectors in AMC’s UK theaters, which will be done by autumn 2010, following a similiar deal that AMC did to US and Canadian theaters.
AMC currently operates two sites in the UK, the Broadway Plaza 12 in Birmingham and Great Northern 16 in Manchester. The deal in the UK follows the success of Sony’s agreement with AMC in the United States and Canada via DCIP (a joint venture owned equally by exhibition industry leaders AMC, Cinemark Holdings, Inc. and Regal Entertainment Group). Deployment of the 4K projector system in the UK is expected to be finished by autumn 2010.
“Our agreement with Sony is a prime example of our strong advocacy of the industry’s move to a digital platform. Digital cinema provides a new world of programming flexibility and opportunities for cinemas,” said Mark McDonald, executive vice president, global development, AMC. “Sony 4K projection systems enable us to deliver an enhanced entertainment experience to our guests.”