Oaks Theater closes
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January 10, 2011 at 7:45 am
BERKELEY, CA — The 1925 Oaks Theater has closed and the property’s owner, John Gordon, is looking again for new operators, preferring to keep the theater as an operating entertainment facility. He says the the most recent operators did not follow through on their business plan and were months behind in rent.
John Gordon, the commercial property developer and realtor who owns the Oaks Theater, served notice to the group in early December that it was in default of its lease since it hadn’t paid rent in three months, he said. While running an independent movie theater is a tough business, the theater failed because Merriment Media did not follow through on any of its turnaround plans, according to Gordon.
There is more at SF Gate.
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Bob Yeung
KD Seating
Tel:+86 136 6339 1365
www.kdseating.com / kdseating@gmail.com
Nice. Very nice.
And your thoughts on the Oaks Theater closing…?