Warner Grand Theatre turns 80
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January 25, 2011 at 3:45 pm
SAN PEDRO, CA — The venerable Warner Grand Theatre turned 80 years old last week, having opened on Jan. 20, 1931. A low-key celebration, remembering its roots, occurs tomorrow evening.
Friday also marked the 15th anniversary of the City of Los Angeles' purchase of the theatre, which began a long road back from possible destruction as a theatre. The city, now under the gun to spin off all of its theater and arts facilities, is anticipating the privatization of these facilities, including the Warner Grand. Hopefully, this theatre will continue as an entertainment palace for many years to come.
Comments (6)
I was born a few miles away in 1952 but I have never been inside this theatre. I seen it on the outside many times.
I may add that currently there is no movie theatre in the harbor area that shows movies on a regular basis. Most have been demolished and some are now churches. There was a plex in Downtown L.B. but I heard that it’s been closed down. Back in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s there were drive-ins and walk-ins all over the harbor and south bay areas.
What happened to the multiplex they were going to build opposite the old Sheraton hotel, a few blocks down from the Warner????
Regal pulled the plug less than a year after making the annoucement. It was to be expected though as this was when a screeching halt occurred throughout the exhibition business as all of southern Calif. was extremely overbuilt. Less than 20 yrs. after opening the ballihooed and quite rightly lauded AMC Pine Square 14 as the centerpiece to a successful revitalization in Downtown Long Beach, just across San Pedro Bay from the Warner Grand; it’s closing to be gutted and newly realized as something all together different.
Instead of a theatre, The “Centre Street Lofts” were constructed having ground floor retail and four floors of condos above.
I assume you meant “former” Sheraton as it also isn’t all that old, just carries a new name today.
Congrats to a wonderful theatre. And to the folks in San Pedro for saving it, unlike those in Long Beach!!
Happy Birthday Warner Grand.