Historic Movie Theaters of Center City Philadelphia

posted by HowardBHaas on February 15, 2011 at 3:41 pm

PHILADELPHIA, PA — An article was published February 9, 2011 online on “Historic Movie Theaters of Center City” by Shawn Evans, AIA discusses many downtown Philadelphia movie theaters and emphasizes the importance of preserving the Boyd.

The economics of the motion-picture business today make it unlikely that the few surviving structures will be restored solely for film, yet these buildings retain a powerful hold on the collective imagination. We are unwilling to let them go. Like the damsels in distress tied to the railroad tracks in so many of the movies that played inside, their future is momentarily uncertain. We await creative rescue plans that can return these buildings to the public.

Here’s a link to the article which is illustrated with photos from the Archives of the City of Philadelphia. Cinema Treasures is cited in many footnotes as a source.

Theaters in this post

Comments (1)

andyp on February 16, 2011 at 11:03 pm

Great Article and Pictures, since I worked at various center-city theaters back in the late 60’s and early 70’s, it was a pleasure seeing those theaters. Worked at the Midtown, Milgram and Stage Door Cinema.

Midtown usher

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