Viewing the Oscars at the local theater
With rumors that the world-wide Oscar television audiences are diminishing there will always be movie fans who long to watch it from start to its drawn out conclusion. More so, these devout die-hards would much rather be there, in person, if possible.
One feeling of almost being present in Hollywood is to watch this fabulous ceremony on the BIG screen hosted by an historic theater. This is something this writer has enjoyed several times, for free, at the glorious Bagdad Theatre in Portland, Oregon.
Many classic movie houses, now used for live functions, have a satellite dish for the annual (free) Super Bowl insanity like the Admiral Theatre in Bremerton, Washington.
Surely, (“and my name isn’t Shirley”) by screening the live Oscars to movie goers, this would re-kindle the flame more so to attend more movies still currently playing at their local cinema. A win-win for everyone!
Comments (5)
In the Philadelphia area, the following nonprofit, historic theaters have Oscar parties!
Bryn Mawr
Colonial in Phoenixville
Hiway in Jenkintown
I used to very much enjoy going to one that held a few times in San Francisco in the 1980’s – especially on that was sponsored by one of the City’s film societies at the Palace of Fine Arts Theater which had a big screen then; for, if memory serves, about $15, you got watch the telecast and have refreshments in the decorated lobby, and then got to watch a local premiere of a new film.
I am not sure though that would go again to something like this; call me an old codger, but the event has become so degraded and frankly, almost tawdry. There is so little real elegance and too much emphasis on what celebrities are wearing, what antics Jack Nicholson and and the hosts will provide, and who is seen escorting who on the red carpet. Most of all, I detest the stupid idea of opening up the Best Picture category to ten nominees. This means that some big, loud, dumb, youth-oriented, special-effects-overloaded but crowd pleasing film, such as one of these seemingly endless stream of pretentious films based on comic book characters, could one day be mentioned in the same breath as “Lawrence of Arabia” or “Gone With the Wind.”
The Brattle Theatre in Cambridge, MA does this, but only for members. (It’s not a very large theatre.)
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You’ve got a point, CWalzcak, but that’s how it is these days, unfortunately, because most movies these days are so trashy that of course the Oscars are going to award Best Picture and other Academy Awards to trashy pictures. The Oscars Night has gotten to be a rather tawdry joke because most of today’s movies are tawdry.