Last Remaining Seats

posted by LawMann on March 15, 2011 at 2:55 pm

LOS ANGELES, CA — The Last Remaining Seats, a highly successful yearly event presenting classic motion pictures and live entertainment in several of Los Angeles' historic Broadway movie palaces will celebrate its 25th year May 25 – June 29 on Wednesdays at 8 PM.

Along with those, there will also be two special bonus screenings on Sunday June 26 at the Palace Theatre. Conservancy members recently voted on which film would be shown that day from a list of past films in the series. They chose “Sunset Boulevard” and Nancy Olson(Betty Schaefer in the film) will be there at one of the screenings. To top it all off, June 26th will be the 100th Anniversary, to the day, of the Palace.

For tickets, schedules and other information please see the Los Angeles Conservancy’s website. Tickets go on sale to members on March 20 and on April 13 to the general public. Don’t delay. Each night typically sells out in advance, sometimes just to members.

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Comments (3)

DonSolosan on March 15, 2011 at 6:25 pm

To be fair, Jan who handles ticketing told me that they’ve never turned anyone away at the door. Some people buy tickets in batches of four, but only show up with one or two friends. They typically give the extra tickets to Jan to resell. So even if a night is sold out, you can still get in.

Simon Overton
Simon Overton on March 15, 2011 at 6:44 pm

When living in L.A. during the 1990’s my wife and I often went to the Conservancy screenings and particularly remember the “Sunset Boulevard” screening at the State Theatre. The live orchestra really added a touch of class to the evening.

Now in Washington, we’re not be able to attend this years screening but will be there in spirit. May the “Last Seats” series run forever! And, when will other cities adopt such an educational classic film program???????

LawMann on March 20, 2011 at 11:09 am

Back in 1977 Paramount Pictures re-released “War of the Worlds” and “When Worlds Collide”. I saw these two classic movies with friends who were visiting from northern California at the Palace Theatre. I’ll never forget stepping outside to a late afternoon sunlit Broadway which was bustling with pedestrians and traffic life and remembering what I just saw, those same Los Angeles city streets being attacked by martians. We walked the seven blocks to the Los Angeles city hall building which only less than an hour earlier was blasted by martians. It was an awesome experience, pretty much like after seeing “Earthquake” at the Paramount theare in 1974 then walking the few blocks to Hollywood & Vine to see what was just destroyed on the big screen.

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