Drexel Theatre acquired by not-for-profit group; will be managed by CAPA

posted by CSWalczak on March 24, 2011 at 2:45 pm

BEXLEY, OH — The 1937 Drexel Theatre has beeen purchased by a not-for-profit organization, New Drexel, Inc. from Jeff Frank who has owned the theater for the past three decades. The triplex will now be managed by the Columbus Association for the Performing Arts (CAPA), which also manages many of the city’s prime performing arts centers, including three former movie palaces, the Ohio, Palace, and Southern theaters. Frank shall remain as the theater’s manager and existing employees will be retained.

Friends of the Drexel, an organization formed in 2009 to help save the struggling business, owns the three-screen theater – known for its art-house and specialty programming – as of Tuesday.

As part of the deal, the Drexel is being managed by the Columbus Association for the Performing Arts – which handles the accounting, marketing, programming and development.

Read more in the Columbus Dispatch.

Comments (2)

ChasSmith on March 24, 2011 at 3:16 pm

I was startled by my first glance at the headline, but this sounds like very good news indeed. I can only wish I had a theater like the Drexel in my area — I’d be there all the time, and that is no joke. I left a comment on the Dispatch web site, and would encourage others to show support to the folks in Columbus by doing the same.

Ron Newman
Ron Newman on March 24, 2011 at 5:24 pm

CAPA are good folks, who got their start by saving the historic Ohio Theatre downtown back in 1969. They even have a little experience in movie exhibition, with the Ohio’s summer film series.

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