Indy’s College Park 14 reopens as the Movie Buff
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May 13, 2011 at 7:50 am
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Closed since 2009, the former AMC/Loew’s College Park 14 was reopened May 6 by a Florida resident and renamed the Movie Buff. The new owner is contemplating offering a mix of new and old films, religious films, and special cinematic events.
Tickets are $5 on weekdays and $7 on weekends.
“I know I can build it back up,” Friedman said. “It’s going to take a little time. People need to know I am here.”
The story is in the Indianapolis Star.
Comments (1)
Wishing him the best of luck in this economy, hopefully the lower than market average pricing will attract the customers that may appreciate not being taken to the cleaners at $10-$12 A ticket!