Community Seeks Owner To Save Theater, Not Demolish It
CHETWYND, BC — We received the following plea from Leo Sabulsky hoping to find a new owner for the Red Rock Cinema: “Please note that the small town of Chetwynd in northeast BC has a wonderful community cinema and the family who originally started it wishes to sell. Our fears in the community are that it will be turned into an office building or destroyed. The couple who own it are in their 70’s and wish to sell desperately.”
Sabulsky, who is the General Manager of Peace FM and CHET TV 55, has helped produce a new website and commercial for the theater. “Help us save our theatre,” Sabulsky writes, “we do not need more office space or drinking establishment.
Here is the original email:
As a community radio and TV station, we have joined forces to save it and have designed a website for the owners, done a commercial on You Tube and wish you to post the opportunity on your website.
Our theatre has been the hub of entertainment for over thirty years and has been a lifestyle and a place to go. The owners can stay and train the new owners… they also have never thrown anything away so the old fashioned seats are stored…. many of the old posters are still stored and the business is incredible since they have video and pinball machines… the couple have health problems and approached our group,
Please note that the place is self sufficient and a couple from anywheres in the world can move in since there is a complete live-in apartment above the theatre, beside the projection room.
The website is online. http://www.chetwyndcinema.com
The TV-commercial is done. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPA4qvSh–k
Help us save our theatre …. we do not need more office space or drinking establishment.
Also note that we have just survived an incredible flood. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKY71LXX-FM&NR=1
The theatre was not affected.