Old Town Theater likely to become retail

posted by Michael Zoldessy on February 3, 2012 at 3:54 pm


ALEXANDRIA, VA — After closing last month, there were whispers of the theatre being converted into retail. With few other viable options, that now seems to be the case with J Crew a possible tenant.

Read more about the theatre’s future and its struggles in Greater Washington.

(Thanks to Jack Coursey for providing the photo.)

Theaters in this post

Comments (3)

JodarMovieFan on February 4, 2012 at 2:13 am

Its sad to read about a local venue closing. Unfortunately, the blog from residents in the area all seem to agree the place was poorly run. Statements about a dirty venue and bad customer service does not sound good, although it managed to survive for ten years.

Giles on February 4, 2012 at 9:41 pm

well at least it wasn’t converted to a CVS.

SethLewis on February 7, 2012 at 5:29 pm

This is a shame. When I lived in the DC area saw Nobody’s Fool with my wife who lost an earring here.

With a ton of AMC operated screens in the area, this should have been a no-brainer as an art house

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