Egyptian celebrates 90 years

posted by Michael Zoldessy on March 9, 2012 at 4:01 pm


LOS ANGELES, CA — It’s had its fair share of ups and downs but the Egyptian Theatre is making it to 90. The theatre will kickoff a year of celebrating the anniversary with a special tour this weekend followed by more events later this year.

(Thanks to monika for providing the photo.)

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Comments (2)

jackfmurphy on March 11, 2012 at 9:17 pm

I saw the tour on Saturday at the Egyptian Hollywood. Many of the original Egyptian artifacts still remain, but the theatre has been reconfigured to show state of the art sound and picture on the new giant screen. Operated and owned by the American Cinematheque, they program films in every format 70mm, 35mm, DCP, etc. A great place to see new and classic films.

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