Digital conversion threatens Madison theatre

posted by Michael Zoldessy on August 24, 2012 at 7:59 am


MADISON, IN — They’ve been up and running since 1938 but the Ohio Theatre’s days could be numbered if they don’t convert to digital. The owners are hoping to raise money for the project but with the estimates starting at $85K, they have a steep hill to climb.

Read more in the San Francisco Chronicle.

(Thanks to Rod_Zemke for providing the photo.)

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Comments (1)

EvanJChase on September 4, 2012 at 5:07 pm

WHERE did they get an estimate so high for digital??

Too many independent operators are falling for commercial companies outrageous quotes to convert to digital. Best idea is to get as many estimates as possible!

As a former owner of an independent theatre, I would go online to and find models of DLP projectors over 10,000 lumens and just run DVDs of either classics or 2nd run current movies. A lot of the cost for professional digital is the servers, consoles and 3D units.

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