Nightclub to revitalize Globe space
posted by
Michael Zoldessy
September 19, 2013 at 7:45 am
LOS ANGELES, CA — In the Globe Theatre previous incarnation, Club 740, the nightclub was more known for its frequent violence than its opulent surroundings. New owner Erik Chol hopes that’s not the case with his new nightclub venture that plans to be more respectable with a focus on the charm of the building. The centerpiece will be a cleaned up marquee with an entrance back on Broadway.
Read more in the LA Downtown News.
(Thanks to JohnRice for providing the photo.)
Comments (1)
The movie district has many other theatres around Broadway that can be opened again with a little work on the outside and inside. Don’t just limit them to discos bring in some live entertainment or a comedy club or even a grindhouse movie theatre on the weekends. I hope the Globe neon will turn and spin again.