End of an era in Forest Hills

posted by Michael Zoldessy on April 28, 2014 at 3:45 pm


FOREST HILLS, NY — The neighborhood favorite Brandon Cinemas closed last weekend after almost four decades in business. The plan is to open a pediatric health facility in its place. While mostly know recently for playing art-house films, when it was a single-screen in the ‘70s it did big business with “Star Wars.”

Read more in DNAinfo.

(Thanks to Ross Melnick for providing the photo.)

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Comments (1)

magistramc on May 15, 2014 at 2:14 am

And another piece of the old neighborhood is gone. I saw so many good films here through the years—most recently “Captain Phillips” and “Saving Mr. Banks.” It was a nice middle ground between the mostly popcorn flicks at the Midway and the arty films at the Kew Gardens Cinema.

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