August 30, 2006
Theater in need of curtains
We have a small theater in Hollywood that is in need of some theater curtains. If anyone has some that are going to waste, we could use them. We don’t have a budget and we are not a cinema. We are a live theater, but we do teach students to prepare for the Silver Screen. Please email me if you have any info that may help us find what we need.
Thanks so much.
August 23, 2006
Grandview Drive-in needs your help!!!
ANGOLA, NY — The Grandview Drive-in is in need of your help!
The property owners have refused to do any repairs including replacing the Marquee building that blew down over 3 years ago (made it pretty hard to know what was playing or that they were even open the past few years).
Anyways, the screen suffered damage over the winter and the man who leases it was unable to even open this summer due to them refusing to repair it.
August 21, 2006
No movie theaters in Monroeville, PA
Attention theater chain owners. Monroeville, PA needs a movie theater! There used to 4 movie houses(1 being the Carmike Monroeville) here and all have closed in the past decade or so. This is a huge shopping district in the greater Pittsburgh area. Please bring movies back to Monroeville!
July 18, 2006
The Harwan Theater to become a Walgreen’s
MT. EPHRAIM, NJ — My community and I need help. There is a beautiful old theater in Mt. Ephraim, NJ that is nearly set to become a Walgreen’s drugstore! The theater has not regularly shown films since the late 80s/early 90s, but has become a venue for bands and live theatre, and ran the Rocky Horror Picture Show for many years. For the past 3 years or so, the property has been leased and renovated by a woman who wanted to begin live theatre, but the borough has very nearly decided to sell. I’m writing letters, but I’m afraid that won’t be enough!
If you can offer any advice on how we can SAVE THE HARWAN please . There is a borough meeting on August 3 that I plan to attend. I’d buy it if I could! Any suggestions on funding or saving this historic theater?
July 17, 2006
New stewards for Needles Theater
NEEDLES, CA — Built in 1929 by the Masonic Order who occupied the second floor, the Needles, CA theatre was in operation on the ground floor for 63 years until 1992 when the building’s roof caught fire. The building has been vacant ever since.
In ‘97, the Mason’s gave it to the Needles Area Chamber of Commerce, who, with the best intentions, started a pre-restoration cleanup. Activities ceased due to funding issues and the deaths of two who spearheaded the project.
In June 2006, my wife and I purchased the building from the Chamber and have begun some exterior restoration work, including scraping and coating the entire building with an elastomeric paint, encouraged by the double thumbs up from almost everyone who passes by. After dangling from a 40' boom lift for 6 hours/day for 8 days when temperatures exceeded 115 in the shade, the exterior is much improved.
July 11, 2006
Old Russellville Theatre seeks marquee
The old Russellville Theatre has been closed for the last 30 years and now Main Street Russellville is trying desperately to raise monies to the restore the theatre into an art deco multi-purpose facility.
Here’s what I need from all of you theatre buffs — is there a closed theatre that you know of that has a marquee that could possibly be purchased and transported to be used on another theatre? Previous owners destroyed the marquee. The theatre is now owned by the city and has been placed on our hands to preserve it and bring it back to life.
Thanks for your help.
S. Darlene Gooch
Main Street Russellville – Director
June 5, 2006
Theaters Wanted
We are Chalet Theaters LLC and operate eight theaters including two drive-ins. We are looking to rent three more theaters with an option for a lease purchase.
If you have a theater (closed or open), contact us via email or write here, we can renovate if need be.
Thank you!
Chalet Theaters LLC -
May 11, 2006
Historic Texas movie theater for sale on eBay
KENEDY, TX — The Rialto is currently listed on eBay as Item number: 4461464199. It looks like someone ignored the roof and it is in rough shape, but the starting bid is only $5,000.
Auction ends in 2 days (sorry, I just noticed it).
April 6, 2006
Black fabric spray paint for seat restoration
ASBURY PARK, NJ — Hi, I am fully engaged in refurbishing the Baronet Theater.
Under restoratin on this site is a year old ad for Black Fabric Spray Paint For Seat Restoration, please, can anyone tell me where I can buy this stuff? I have 560 seats that need to be sprayed.
Dennis Dubrow
Asbury Prk, NJ -
March 23, 2006
Theaters Wanted
Hello everyone, we are Chalet Theaters LLC and we specialize in acquiring theaters from people or companies that are closing or in need of restoration. We currently lease and have purchased 9 theaters from Cinema Treasures (private people and companies) and are in need of a few more. We specialize in leasing/buying ones that are suffering and need repairs and the owners cannot afford to do so.
If it is a non-profit theater, we will lease it, renovate it, restore and then return it to the non-profit. We have many creative ideals and would like to talk further with anyone that has a theater for sale or lease. Thanks for your time!