The 1955-56 Theatre Catalog listed it with a capacity of 320, which can’t have been accurate. Could it be that it was including the seats in the Wheel-In’s indoor viewing area?
From its first listing in the IMPAs into the 1970s, the Wheel-In was given a capacity of 200. By 1982, it was down to 190.
Here’s the link to its National Register of Historic Places entry:
The Newberg Graphic said in a 2016 article that there had been a twin-screen indoor theater on the drive-in property. It showed hand-me-down prints from the downtown Cameo and the 99W. When both went digital, they “opted to close the twin theaters and utilize some of the freed-up space for additional parking for the drive-in screen.” But even with that, the Graphic said that only “(b)etween 250 and 300 cars can fit in the drive-in space”.
Here’s a March 2016 interview with owner Ron Herold.
In the video, Herold says:
The Terrace opened in 1954.
In 1984, they revamped the Terrace and added two more screens. (Indeed, the 1984 IMPA still lists it as the single-screen Terrace, but in 1986 it’s the three-screen “Terrace Tri”.)
“The Terrace, since 1984, has only been operating as a single screen.” (That date’s wrong of course, but it’s had only one active screen for quite a while.)
He plans to reopen the other two screens. (His current Terrace web page lists how much that’s going to cost.)
It’s the first week of May 2017, and the Motor Vu web site still shows Closed for the Season. No updates on Facebook or Twitter since August 2016. The GoFundMe campaign is still getting small donations, but it’s currently less than 1% funded.
One more note. The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal wrote in April 2011 that “The very first drive-in to go digital was the Spud Drive-In in Driggs, Idaho — opening Despicable Me and Robin Hood as its first digital features in July 2010.” It quoted interviews with “Keith Zednick, Spud chief operating officer” in BoxOffice and at
That lines up with the year that Wydaho Group ran the Spud, but came before 2013’s Save The Spud fundraisers to get a digital projector. If the Spud currently has the projector that was on its way in March 2015, that would mean it has used three different digital projectors in the past seven years. Pretty wild for a tiny little drive-in!
Uh oh! The Spud has been for sale since late 2016. Great photo though. Got a spare $675k?
Also, a March 2015 article in the Teton Valley News said that when the folks who raised money for a digital projector left the Spud, they took the projector with them. A new one was on its way, but that speaks to unsettled management.
“Ace Wood” built the Spud and ran it from 1953 to 1967.
Gladys and Leo Davis ran the business from 1967 to 1987. (That’s when it had the “Gladys burger”.)
Wydaho Group LLC ran the Spud for a single season in 2010 and announced in May 2011 that the business would close.
“Dawnelle Mangum, who with former husband Richard Wood ran the drive-in from 1987 to 2009, negotiated to lease the theater from Wydaho Group and operate it with partner Tyler Hammond, co-owner of a towing company and auto body shop in Driggs.”
Also, the Spud is listed on the National Register of Historic Sites and the Idaho State Historic Registry.
My guess was just verified by a note from the current Idan-Ha crew. “I am uncertain when the name changed but I thought that it happened when Owen owned it in the 80’s.” Since it’s in the 1982 IMPA, the name change probably happened around 1980, give or take a year.
The Idan-Ha was open for the 2014-2016 seasons, about mid-May through August. See its week-by-week notes on Facebook:
When did it open? The Dawn-A-Vu was listed through the 1976 IMPAs, and my next copy, 1982, shows the Idan-Ha. A 2013 article in the Idaho State Business Journal claimed “The Idan-Ha Drive-In has been a part of Soda Springs for nearly 60 years,” so I’m guessing that the Dawn-A-Vu changed its name in the late 1970s.
And by the way, the IMPAs list the Motor Vu in Ogden and only one screen all the way to 1988, the last IMPA drive-in list. Sometimes I wonder whether the details on the IMPA lists are ever accurate.
There’s a good article from 2016 in the Ogden Standard-Examiner. “The original theater had only one screen. Two more were added in the 1980s, and a fourth was added in 1996.” It said that current manager “Brent Coleman’s family has worked at the cinemas since his dad (Howard Coleman?) started as a Motor-Vu lot boy in 1952. He bought the drive(sic) in 1979.” Regarding current ownership, “(Brent) Coleman now co-owns the Motor-Vu with his two brothers, who also operate theater chains on opposite coasts of the country.”
Much more here:
Okay, one more note. A Deseret News article from 1990(!) that is somehow still online provides a possible explanation for the sporadic screen addition. “The (DeAnza) company formerly owned as many as four drive-ins throughout the valley. As they were forced to close those locations due to economic concerns, they recycled the equipment and expanded the Redwood location.”
The screen count was already up to six in 1990. The article separately laments, “Some estimate there are only 1,500 outdoor movie screens left in the country.” Those were the days!
The 1959 IMPA shows the Redwood in Granger UT. Google Maps now shows Granger as a neighborhood in West Valley City.
The 1982-89 IMPAs list the Redwood as a twin, and this time in Murray UT. The Redwood is at least a mile northwest of Murray, so maybe that was its post office address?
It’s down to four active screens now. I could have sworn that it was at five screens for at least a year or two, and the aerial photos show all six still standing, so what’s up with that?
From that website: The Motor Vu Theater in Erda, Utah was built in 1949. The theater has a maximum capacity of 650 cars, although we tend to try to keep things below 400 for safety. The original screen was destroyed by a small tornado in 1993. Our drive in features digital projection and a working FM radio is required for sound.
A 2010 article in The Salt Lake Tribune put the Echo’s opening at 1958, but the folks who run the Basin in Mount Pleasant say the Echo was already open when they bought and moved the Basin out of Roosevelt in 1958.
The IMPAs are no help here. The Echo never appeared in any edition.
An article from April 2016 suggests that a new housing development south of the property may complicate the Holiday Twin’s continued operation. Tons of great history in the article too.
That Denver Post story linked by CSWalczak said the 88 was built in 1972. “Bill and Margaret Holshue bought the 88 in 1976. The previous owner ran X-rated features”. Which means that someone built a drive-in from scratch just to run adult films? That seems unlikely in retrospect.
Anyway, my 1972 and 1976 IMPAs don’t list the 88, but the 1982 edition does, for whatever that’s worth.
My most recent memory of the 88 is that the concession stand sold unbranded sodas from its fountain. Squeezing a penny or two by using cheaper syrup in an almost pure-profit item left a literal bad taste in my mouth. OTOH, they almost always show triple features and stay open for as many weeks as they can, so I’m grateful that they’re around.
When the Mesa added those two screens, they bought them used from two other Colorado drive-ins that had recently down. One of them was the Lake Estes from Estes Park, and the other was the Pines from Loveland.
There was a great article in The Legend about the South. It told how Glen Cooper built the South in 1947 and the Boot Hill Drive-In about a decade later. Glen also owned drive-ins in Garden City and Hays. When son Ron left military service, he moved to Hays to run that drive-in, and when Glen passed away, he and his family moved to Dodge City. At the time of the article, 2011, he was worried about digital conversion. “We’d need a rich philanthropist who’s in love with drive-ins, or some kind of grant to do that,” he said.
Now look at the United Wireless Communications web site. It says, “In 2012, our region was in danger of losing a real treasure in the South Drive-In Theatre, which just happens to be our neighbor on McArtor Road. … So we bought it from the previous owners, made some upgrades for showing films in digital format, and have been having a ball giving our friends and neighbors a great place to have fun on warm evenings.”
Thanks for your photos, Chris1982, but I’m guessing that if the Coopers are still involved, they’re probably just managing the South.
The 1955-56 Theatre Catalog listed it with a capacity of 320, which can’t have been accurate. Could it be that it was including the seats in the Wheel-In’s indoor viewing area?
From its first listing in the IMPAs into the 1970s, the Wheel-In was given a capacity of 200. By 1982, it was down to 190.
Here’s the link to its National Register of Historic Places entry:
The Newberg Graphic said in a 2016 article that there had been a twin-screen indoor theater on the drive-in property. It showed hand-me-down prints from the downtown Cameo and the 99W. When both went digital, they “opted to close the twin theaters and utilize some of the freed-up space for additional parking for the drive-in screen.” But even with that, the Graphic said that only “(b)etween 250 and 300 cars can fit in the drive-in space”.
Here’s a nice video profile of the M-F, done just after the digital conversion.
The 1952 Theatre Catalog already listed the LaGrande, capacity 350, exec: W.J. Shell. (The 1949-50 edition doesn’t list it.)
The drive-in’s web site said it was purchased by its current owners in 1953, suggesting it was built earlier.
Here’s a March 2016 interview with owner Ron Herold.
In the video, Herold says:
The Terrace opened in 1954.
In 1984, they revamped the Terrace and added two more screens. (Indeed, the 1984 IMPA still lists it as the single-screen Terrace, but in 1986 it’s the three-screen “Terrace Tri”.)
“The Terrace, since 1984, has only been operating as a single screen.” (That date’s wrong of course, but it’s had only one active screen for quite a while.)
He plans to reopen the other two screens. (His current Terrace web page lists how much that’s going to cost.)
The 1952 Theatre Catalog lists the Teton Vu with Exec: Clyde Blasius of Salt Lake City. So we know it was built by then.
It’s still listed in the 1988 IMPA, suggesting that it was running into the late 1980s.
The UDITOA 2007 page of reopened drive-ins said that the Motor Vu was reopened in 1999 and closed in 2007.
Obviously the Paramount folks reopened it in 2009, and it’s been running fine (knock on wood) every since.
It’s the first week of May 2017, and the Motor Vu web site still shows Closed for the Season. No updates on Facebook or Twitter since August 2016. The GoFundMe campaign is still getting small donations, but it’s currently less than 1% funded.
One more note. The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal wrote in April 2011 that “The very first drive-in to go digital was the Spud Drive-In in Driggs, Idaho — opening Despicable Me and Robin Hood as its first digital features in July 2010.” It quoted interviews with “Keith Zednick, Spud chief operating officer” in BoxOffice and at
That lines up with the year that Wydaho Group ran the Spud, but came before 2013’s Save The Spud fundraisers to get a digital projector. If the Spud currently has the projector that was on its way in March 2015, that would mean it has used three different digital projectors in the past seven years. Pretty wild for a tiny little drive-in!
Uh oh! The Spud has been for sale since late 2016. Great photo though. Got a spare $675k?
Also, a March 2015 article in the Teton Valley News said that when the folks who raised money for a digital projector left the Spud, they took the projector with them. A new one was on its way, but that speaks to unsettled management.
A 2013 article in the Jackson Hole (WY) News & Guide listed the ownership timeline as:
“Ace Wood” built the Spud and ran it from 1953 to 1967.
Gladys and Leo Davis ran the business from 1967 to 1987. (That’s when it had the “Gladys burger”.)
Wydaho Group LLC ran the Spud for a single season in 2010 and announced in May 2011 that the business would close.
“Dawnelle Mangum, who with former husband Richard Wood ran the drive-in from 1987 to 2009, negotiated to lease the theater from Wydaho Group and operate it with partner Tyler Hammond, co-owner of a towing company and auto body shop in Driggs.”
Also, the Spud is listed on the National Register of Historic Sites and the Idaho State Historic Registry.
My guess was just verified by a note from the current Idan-Ha crew. “I am uncertain when the name changed but I thought that it happened when Owen owned it in the 80’s.” Since it’s in the 1982 IMPA, the name change probably happened around 1980, give or take a year.
The Idan-Ha was open for the 2014-2016 seasons, about mid-May through August. See its week-by-week notes on Facebook:
When did it open? The Dawn-A-Vu was listed through the 1976 IMPAs, and my next copy, 1982, shows the Idan-Ha. A 2013 article in the Idaho State Business Journal claimed “The Idan-Ha Drive-In has been a part of Soda Springs for nearly 60 years,” so I’m guessing that the Dawn-A-Vu changed its name in the late 1970s.
And by the way, the IMPAs list the Motor Vu in Ogden and only one screen all the way to 1988, the last IMPA drive-in list. Sometimes I wonder whether the details on the IMPA lists are ever accurate.
There’s a good article from 2016 in the Ogden Standard-Examiner. “The original theater had only one screen. Two more were added in the 1980s, and a fourth was added in 1996.” It said that current manager “Brent Coleman’s family has worked at the cinemas since his dad (Howard Coleman?) started as a Motor-Vu lot boy in 1952. He bought the drive(sic) in 1979.” Regarding current ownership, “(Brent) Coleman now co-owns the Motor-Vu with his two brothers, who also operate theater chains on opposite coasts of the country.”
Much more here:
Okay, one more note. A Deseret News article from 1990(!) that is somehow still online provides a possible explanation for the sporadic screen addition. “The (DeAnza) company formerly owned as many as four drive-ins throughout the valley. As they were forced to close those locations due to economic concerns, they recycled the equipment and expanded the Redwood location.”
The screen count was already up to six in 1990. The article separately laments, “Some estimate there are only 1,500 outdoor movie screens left in the country.” Those were the days!—-ALL-YEAR-ROUND.html?pg=all
A blog post with photos purportedly from 1979 shows four screens, apparently proving the IMPAs were behind the times again.
The 1959 IMPA shows the Redwood in Granger UT. Google Maps now shows Granger as a neighborhood in West Valley City.
The 1982-89 IMPAs list the Redwood as a twin, and this time in Murray UT. The Redwood is at least a mile northwest of Murray, so maybe that was its post office address?
It’s down to four active screens now. I could have sworn that it was at five screens for at least a year or two, and the aerial photos show all six still standing, so what’s up with that?
From that website: The Motor Vu Theater in Erda, Utah was built in 1949. The theater has a maximum capacity of 650 cars, although we tend to try to keep things below 400 for safety. The original screen was destroyed by a small tornado in 1993. Our drive in features digital projection and a working FM radio is required for sound.
A 2010 article in The Salt Lake Tribune put the Echo’s opening at 1958, but the folks who run the Basin in Mount Pleasant say the Echo was already open when they bought and moved the Basin out of Roosevelt in 1958.
The IMPAs are no help here. The Echo never appeared in any edition.
An article from April 2016 suggests that a new housing development south of the property may complicate the Holiday Twin’s continued operation. Tons of great history in the article too.
That Denver Post story linked by CSWalczak said the 88 was built in 1972. “Bill and Margaret Holshue bought the 88 in 1976. The previous owner ran X-rated features”. Which means that someone built a drive-in from scratch just to run adult films? That seems unlikely in retrospect.
Anyway, my 1972 and 1976 IMPAs don’t list the 88, but the 1982 edition does, for whatever that’s worth.
My most recent memory of the 88 is that the concession stand sold unbranded sodas from its fountain. Squeezing a penny or two by using cheaper syrup in an almost pure-profit item left a literal bad taste in my mouth. OTOH, they almost always show triple features and stay open for as many weeks as they can, so I’m grateful that they’re around.
After the marquee was tagged with graffiti in January 2017, some Commerce Township folks launched a GoFundMe campaign to try to restore it.
The 1972 IMPA listed the Evans as capacity 600 cars “plus 120 seats”.
The 1982 IMPA had it at 500, circuit “Deluxe”. By the 1984 IMPA, it was gone.
When the Mesa added those two screens, they bought them used from two other Colorado drive-ins that had recently down. One of them was the Lake Estes from Estes Park, and the other was the Pines from Loveland.
There was a great article in The Legend about the South. It told how Glen Cooper built the South in 1947 and the Boot Hill Drive-In about a decade later. Glen also owned drive-ins in Garden City and Hays. When son Ron left military service, he moved to Hays to run that drive-in, and when Glen passed away, he and his family moved to Dodge City. At the time of the article, 2011, he was worried about digital conversion. “We’d need a rich philanthropist who’s in love with drive-ins, or some kind of grant to do that,” he said.
Now look at the United Wireless Communications web site. It says, “In 2012, our region was in danger of losing a real treasure in the South Drive-In Theatre, which just happens to be our neighbor on McArtor Road. … So we bought it from the previous owners, made some upgrades for showing films in digital format, and have been having a ball giving our friends and neighbors a great place to have fun on warm evenings.”
Thanks for your photos, Chris1982, but I’m guessing that if the Coopers are still involved, they’re probably just managing the South.