Comments from poland626

Showing 26 - 50 of 70 comments

poland626 commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Jun 7, 2017 at 8:27 am

wait, they played the dunkirk footage again? Or was it just the trailer? Just curious.

poland626 commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on May 26, 2017 at 8:37 am

Someone on reddit posted a list of theaters getting the 15/70 projectors and this is one of them. good to know


poland626 commented about AMC Clifton Commons 16 on May 18, 2017 at 8:35 am

Is there a reason why many sites, including amc’s own site, that it says Alien is playing in TWO dolby cinema theaters? At 12pm, 1pm, 3pm, and 4pm? What’s going on here?

poland626 commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on May 2, 2017 at 9:25 am

so has the 3d imax improved? just wondering for before guardians of the galaxy

poland626 commented about AMC Empire 25 on Apr 15, 2017 at 7:14 am


Seems like just Furious is playing in imax now. Has anyone been here yet since its reopened? I don’t think I can spend $23 for a imax showing when lincoln’s got real laser a few blocks up for just $2 more. Plus the bigger screen. If they’ve figured out laser for small imax’s, that would be fantastic but if it’s just new seats, meh.

poland626 commented about AMC Clifton Commons 16 on Apr 5, 2017 at 8:40 am

I see reserved seating now

poland626 commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Mar 23, 2017 at 3:17 pm

April 4th they are hosting a IMAX event for Transformers. I believe this this be the second time something is shown that was shot in IMAX cameras. I think the Dunkirk prologue was the first.

poland626 commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Mar 9, 2017 at 6:44 am

I agree here with alpinedownhiller. You call what we do “bitching and whining” but I call what we do making sure we have the highest quality available while we are also paying $27 up the ho-ha just to get a seat that “MAY” have a good viewing angle.

Also, we HAVE contacted management and yet nothing has been done yet. So we go to facebook, then what? Nothings changed so far and with Kong in 3D I fear the same issues may appear.

I understand the history of the theater is important, but what’s so wrong about talking about its current state? Are ongoing issues with an operating theater not worthy of discussion here? I want this theater to succeed, it’s the largest IMAX in the region and it should have the proper set up and glasses. Twitter and Facebook won’t make a difference but sites like Cinematreasures that include like-minded people who love the movies and want theaters to be successful, can. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a theater to be the best it can be.

poland626 commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Feb 12, 2017 at 9:47 am

Has anyone been to the imax lately? With lego batman not in 3d, makes me think this theater isn’t fully done renovating it’s laser imax. I’m just gonna say it, it seems like they rushed the job to get it ready for star wars to make the most $, but failed in not providing the quality IMAX deserves. They need to take a few weeks off imo to finish up the theater.

poland626 commented about AMC Empire 25 on Jan 25, 2017 at 5:49 am

I’m not seeing any imax shows on fandango. Maybe they are upgrading it somehow?

poland626 commented about AMC Empire 25 on Jan 21, 2017 at 1:23 am

Yea @moviebuff82 I’m gonna need a source or two on that because it seems VERY impossible to expand this theater in the way you are talking about unless they destroy a whole level of shoebox theaters, which I doubt because they can show more foreign and indie films, it’ll never happen.

Honestly, if I had to pick a theater that would get that type of renovation, I’d give to AMC Garden State in NJ. There’s nothing above the theater so it can be as big as it wants and they already have plenty of fame being the biggest mall/theater in the area too so it wouldn’t hurt, especially with AMC Clifton getting Dolby, Paramus is gonna need the business it drives away. Of course, this all just opinion here, but it kinda make sense if they did it this way

poland626 commented about AMC Garden State 16 on Jan 20, 2017 at 2:57 pm

I think with Clifton getting Dolby soon amc may focus some attention to that theater too. It must be just as popular to get such an upgrade

poland626 commented about AMC Clifton Commons 16 on Jan 14, 2017 at 4:38 am

no update on Dolby theater. Called up and was told “sometime soon”

poland626 commented about Maplewood Theatre on Jan 14, 2017 at 4:33 am

This theater was one of the few to get Dolby 3D instead of Real 3D at the time. I know because I remember seeing a film here and it having completely different glasses along with having to return them at the end to staff instead of just throwing them in a bin.

Is the Dolby 3D really different than Real 3D? I think the quality is a lot better imo

poland626 commented about AMC Empire 25 on Jan 9, 2017 at 3:26 am


Based on the earlier comment about seating sizes per screen, it says #17 has 262 seats. That’s a good size and not a shoebox screen with 100 or less seats

poland626 commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Jan 4, 2017 at 10:09 pm

@optimist008 like, a 5 second google search will show you this wasn’t a screening of the movie but 7 minutes of clips as a “teaser” for imax viewers

poland626 commented about AMC Dine-In Theatres Essex Green 9 on Dec 28, 2016 at 7:14 am

I’ve been here multiple times. I’ve reported them each time and I have emailed Amc after this recent incident. I know what theater I was in, doesn’t mean I can predict the projector working or not.

Examples I’ve experienced first hand: -Cold Food with Warm Sides -Tea that was more water than tea. Literally had no color to it -Breaded Chicken Sandwich was 3 Chicken tenders put between a Bun -Drinks arrived mid movie well after I’ve finished my food -No Salt or Pepper at all unless you ask and then are given you a small cups worth -Sticky Menus replaced with just as Sticky Menus -Broken Tables that don’t move or are complete bent so much my drink falls -And just in general Over priced for this quality

I’ve complained each time. Sometimes I get a free ticket or a “thank you for telling us” speach but nothing ever changes. Look at recent yelp and Google reviews. This isn’t a one time thing. If they want the Dine IN format to succeed they need help


poland626 commented about AMC Dine-In Theatres Essex Green 9 on Dec 27, 2016 at 7:49 am

AVOID theater 3 with a passion. Just saw Sing 3d there and one of their 2 3d projectors has a color issue that if you close your right eye, can see a giant yellow tint over the bottom right corner and a purple streak going diagonally around that yellow border. It ruins the 3d. They need a new projector.

poland626 commented about AMC Jersey Gardens 20 on Dec 18, 2016 at 6:00 am

this theater needs a remodel, badly. With every other local big theater getting something new, it’s strange this one is looked over.

poland626 commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Dec 15, 2016 at 8:32 pm

So the Dunkirk prologue is apparently being shown here? Is it going to fill the whole screen and be remastered for laser or will it just be the digital iMax version thrown up? Has anyone been there?

poland626 commented about AMC 34th Street 14 on Dec 7, 2016 at 5:05 pm

@xbs2034, I assumed empire 25 was the smallest as 34th does open up sometimes for the digital films.

Yea I’ve seen the letterboxing on regular films, I can’t imagine what this will look like. I hope some reviews start coming out in a day or two.

poland626 commented about AMC 34th Street 14 on Dec 7, 2016 at 7:02 am

The only imax theater in nyc to play the Voyage of Time in Ultra Widescreen 3.6:1, the widest out there apparently. I have NO clue what this will look like when presented and it seems to only be playing at 2:30 pm and 10:10pm. If anyone can go, can you report back on what this looks like?

poland626 commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Oct 27, 2016 at 1:39 am

@plagasX Quick Question if you work there. What do the seats looks like? They put new ones in I believe and want to know what type they are if possible.

poland626 commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Aug 31, 2016 at 12:19 am

Reserved seating is great imo, I just think that so far every theater with reserved seating has had an upgrade. Just throwing it into every theater brings expectations people have that AMC has set already with the new seats. People think they may be getting good seats like at AMC 84th street or amc west orange but they’re the same old ones

poland626 commented about AMC Jersey Gardens 20 on Aug 26, 2016 at 1:06 am

I think with AMC’s expansion of Dolby, this could be a future dolby cinema theater. It’s got imax. Rockaway and Clifton are also other contendors imo.

Wouldn’t mind newer seats though like they got in amc west orange with leather reclining but I’m dreaming :P