The Galway at 518 is a handbag store. Function should be changed to retail. Contrary to my earlier opinion, this would have been big enough for the adult house. I have also seen photos of the building now.
I had lunch in the diner at 524 S. Main today. The owner didn’t know why the LA Times reporter said the space had been used as an opera house. In the seventies this was an arcade with pinball machines and booths in the back for adult films. I took a few photos. There is a slogan over the front door that I remembered from a Starsky and Hutch episode, circa 1976.
There was some discussion last year of a retail/housing complex being built on this space. Obviously with the economy circling the drain nothing further has been mentioned.
An ad for the Mason can be seen towards the bottom of this LA Times page of February 1947. The same film was playing at the California on Main Street:
Poor Nick Adams, part of the doomed “Rebel Wihout a Cause” cast, with James Dean, Natalie Wood and Sal Mineo. The only one that didn’t die an unnatural death was Jim Backus.
The Galway at 518 is a handbag store. Function should be changed to retail. Contrary to my earlier opinion, this would have been big enough for the adult house. I have also seen photos of the building now.
I had lunch in the diner at 524 S. Main today. The owner didn’t know why the LA Times reporter said the space had been used as an opera house. In the seventies this was an arcade with pinball machines and booths in the back for adult films. I took a few photos. There is a slogan over the front door that I remembered from a Starsky and Hutch episode, circa 1976.
Status should be closed and function should be restaurant, or taqueria if you want to be more precise.
Already been stripped and plundered. They add a new photo every few weeks or so.
LM, not to step on your toes, but I wanted to make sure this photo was posted, as it was referred to directly above.
I think the Theater part of the name should be 86ed to be consistent. I don’t know too many other drive-ins listed thave have Theater at the end.
Here is a Christmas Day 1930 ad from the LA Times:
Geopolitical lecture in March 1947:
There was some discussion last year of a retail/housing complex being built on this space. Obviously with the economy circling the drain nothing further has been mentioned.
The Lennox was in the lineup in this March 1947 LA Times ad, about the middle of the page:
An ad for the Mason can be seen towards the bottom of this LA Times page of February 1947. The same film was playing at the California on Main Street:
Here is a November 1946 ad from the LA Times:
An ad for the Sunset can be seen on the right of this October 1946 LA Times page:
“The Model and the Marriage Broker”. Nancy Kulp’s first film role. She was Jane Hathaway on the Beverly Hillbillies.
I didn’t know about the retail in the front. Interesting.
Great shots.
Doesn’t look like the Park is listed on that site, only the Dixie.
I liked the photo, though.
You bet.
I don’t want to be a nag, but you’re posting duplicate photos. This one was posted on 3/13/08.
You cut off the part that shows the X. See post of 11/7/07.
Poor Nick Adams, part of the doomed “Rebel Wihout a Cause” cast, with James Dean, Natalie Wood and Sal Mineo. The only one that didn’t die an unnatural death was Jim Backus.
Here is a 1942 photo:
I don’t know, Two Buck Chuck is pretty addictive.
Here is a July 1967 ad from the Austin Journal:
Here is a June 1960 ad from the Alton Evening Telegraph:
Here is a December 1933 ad from the Jefferson City News and Tribune: