Movie Theaters Operating as a Church
Showing 31 - 60 of 1,095 closed movie theaters
All Theaters (1,122)Open (27)Showing Movies (17)Closed (1,095)Demolished (29)Restoring (4)Renovating (17)
↑ Name | Location | Status | Screens |
Airport Theatre | Philadelphia, PA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Alan Theatre | Toledo, OH, United States | Closed | 1 |
Albemarle Theatre | Brooklyn, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Aldine Theatre | Saxton, PA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Alhambra Theatre | Durban, South Africa | Closed | 1 |
Allegany Theatre | Allegany, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Allen Theatre | Philadelphia, PA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Almira Theatre | Cleveland, OH, United States | Closed | 1 |
Aloha Theatre | Los Angeles, CA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Alpine Theatre | Denver, CO, United States | Closed | 1 |
Alto Theatre | Los Angeles, CA, United States | Closed | 1 |
American Theatre | Kimball, NE, United States | Closed | 1 |
American Theatre | Bridgeport, CT, United States | Closed | 1 |
Ampere Theatre | East Orange, NJ, United States | Closed | 1 |
Amusu Theatre | Brooklyn, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Anderson 4 | Anderson, IN, United States | Closed | 4 |
Andrea Theatre | Catawissa, PA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Anker Lichtspiele | Hamburg, Germany | Closed | 1 |
Anthony Theatre | Dundalk, MD, United States | Closed | 1 |
Apollo Theatre | Baltimore, MD, United States | Closed | 1 |
Arabian Theatre | Seattle, WA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Arcade Theater | Sandersville, GA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Armada Theatre | Armada, MI, United States | Closed | 1 |
Art Jerome Theatre | Bronx, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Art Theater | Brooklyn, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Art Theatre | Brooklyn, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Ashland Theatre | St. Louis, MO, United States | Closed | 1 |
Ashley Landing Cinemas I, II, III | Charleston, SC, United States | Closed | 3 |
Astor Cinema | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago | Closed | 1 |
Astor Cinema | Bangor, United Kingdom | Closed | 1 |