Fairfax Cinemas
7907 Beverly Boulevard,
Los Angeles,
7907 Beverly Boulevard,
Los Angeles,
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Forgot to add that if you have an active library card or university log on and your public library participates with kanopy.com you can watch Only in Theaters for free:
The 2022 documentary Only in Theaters is streamable on YouTube, Apple TV, Amazon Prime and others. A fascinating history of the Laemmle family and it’s LA chain of theaters including the Fairfax. Trailer at link:
Sadly, the interior of the theatre has now been completely demolished, leaving only the facade, marquee, and foyer intact for the new condo development.
The building which housed the Fairfax is being vacated of its retail tenants, which leads one to wonder if the long-planned redevelopment into apartments is coming near.
Cineplex Odeon took over operation of the Fairfax in April 1985 and shut it down after a short time and did a complete remodel with a May 1986 reopening.
Seeking historic status.
Fairfax cinemas reopening by Cineplex Fri, May 23, 1986 – 122 · The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California) · Newspapers.com
Please update, theatre was taken over by Cineplex Odeon on May 23, 1986, grand opening ad posted.
3 screens on Christmas Day, 1981. No ad found.
About the only movement/change I’ve noted over the past eight years is that they finally secured the theatre a year or so ago. For many years the boarded up entry had a large gap along the top which allowed birds to fly in/out, garbage to be thrown over, and potentially people to climb in. I also used to see some of the rear exit doors propped open from time to time. Fortunately, they closed off the entry gap and I haven’t noticed any open doors in quite some time.
Between the long leaking roof, years of bird/vermin/homeless access, and general neglect, I would hate to even imagine the shape the interior is in. I also seem to recall that they demoed much of the lobby shortly after closing.
Does anybody know the status of this site? How can we have it registered as a historical landmark?
It is still closed up but intact as of August 15, 2017.
1930 and 2001 grand opening ads in the photo section.
Great vintage 1967 color photo of the Fairfax marquee in the LAWeekly: http://www.laweekly.com/arts/now-were-an-aberration-how-an-old-la-photo-center-survives-in-2016-6791887
When I worked for Cineplex Odeon in 1991-1993, this was the seating for the Fairfax Cinemas:
1: 192
2: 499
3: 222
House 2 was 70mm capable. All houses were able to show films in 1.33:1, 1.66:1, 1.85:1 and 2.39:1. House 2 could also play 4 track 35mm mag prints.
Surprised that nobody has mentioned one of the most famous screenings ever at the Fairfax. The theater held morning weekend screenings for many years. In May 1990 they screened BLADE RUNNER. What nobody knew at the time of the booking (nor apparently anybody at Warner Brothers OR the Fairfax) was that the print that was sent was of the famous “Workprint Cut” of the film. The resulting hoopla once word got out lead to the first “Director’s Cut” of BLADE RUNNER that was eventually re-released in theaters and on home video. It all started with that “accidental” showing on a Sunday morning at the Fairfax.
How can we get ahold of the imbeciles who approved an apartment complex in the theaters place? That is beyond ridiculous. The theater could still see some good times. If anybody has this information, please give it to me in a reply, or PM me.
I was at the Alex in Glendale last November for their annual Three Stooges festival. In the short where the boys are football players at Gilmore Field you can see the electric sign atop the Fairfax. No one has been able to tell me when the sign came down.
A trailer shot overnight at the theater based largely on the employees' ghostly experiences.
Theatre’s all boarded up now.
According to BOXOFFICE The Fairfax Cinemas being a Cineplex-Odeon theatre announced a two dollar All-the-time admission at this L.A. theatre.It will be for a trial period.It will show “encore” films for a two dollar admission price.Cineplex-Odeon wants to see the response to second run movies.Oct 1994.
Interesting youtube videos jwballer.
On April 1st the Cultural Heritage Commission did vote to consider a landmark nomination for the Theatre.
The next step is that the Commission will make a field trip to the the theater and if they approve the nomination it will then move to the Planning and Land Use subcommittee of the city council and if that sub committee approves it then the nomination will move to the City Council for final approval.
Several people did speak in favor of the nomination, Including the Friends of the Fairfax, The Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation and the Art Deco Society of Los Angeles.
The only speaker who objected was a representative of the owner who wants to develop the property into a mixed-used development with 67 condos and a three story underground parking garage which would destroy the theatre, which has been closed since January due to Rain Damage.
Hillsman Wright, Executive Director of the Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation urged the commission to expedite this nomination due to the deteriorating condition of the theater.
The LA Times has reported that Regency asked to be let out of their lease, but this isn’t true. The owner refused to make repairs to the structure, and used that as an excuse to force Regency out. Regency has stated that they were happy with the theater’s performance and wanted to stay there. Now if the owner has his way the building will be empty for the two years it takes to work all the environmental impact reports, etc., out, all the while disintegrating from neglect, until the point where if the redevelopment doesn’t occur there will be nothing left to save. That’s being a good neighbor…
In case anyone is wondering, the party went well. Over a hundred people showed up, the Times and ABC 7 covered the event. And there was even a birthday cake…