Astor Theatre
1 Chapel Street,
1 Chapel Street,
21 people
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This theatre was used for the interior scenes in the picture theatre seen in the movie “Hercules returns”.
This theatre was seen in the tv series “Great Australian Railway Journeys(series 1(episode - Canberra to Melbourne)). A little bit of the Australian movie "The Story of the Kelly Gang”(1906) was shown on the screen inside the theatre.
Seating CAN’T be replaced because it’s actually heritage listed but it can be repaired and they really do need to repair a lot of them. Also the theatre actually has all its screens, behind the current cinema-scope “super screen” is the older one from the 1950’s and behind that is the ORIGINAL 30’s screen. Also I’d like to see the original auditorium glass lights return as those looked a lot better than the current chandelier lights. Also my major gripe with the new management is how they refuse to use the upstairs snack bar, I’ve been to screenings here where the line for food has literally gone out the door and down the street. This could easily be fixed if they re-opened the upstairs foyer snack bar. Oh yeah and its also pay by card only which is kind of a pain.
Now taken over by the Palace Cinema chain. Was closed for a number of weeks following George Florenz’s expired lease. Closure was supposedly for renovations. While passing tonight I dropped in to see what upgrades had been made. Admittedly, only had access to foyer areas, but apart from removal of the totally inappropriate canopy over the circle candy bar, was hard pressed to see any improvement. Original box office now unused, along with 50’s ticket box (incidentally, attached to stalls concession stand) which now serves as ticket sales as well, along with bollards leading to this “convenience” that would put most garden mazes to shame. Peeling paint work, exposed cables, buckling wall displays. And don’t even get me started on the exterior. Admittedly those disgusting under awning led lights were installed before Palace Cinemas took over the lease, but HOW ON EARTH can they justify this bastardisation under their name branding? As for the famous neon Fin Light, until such time that restoration is actioned, please just TURN IT OFF. Hate to add to Palace Cinema’s profit, but keen to see if any renovations have taken place due to their claims of “restoring” this iconic building. Recent posts of elderly patrons in the stalls seems to indicate that seating has not been replaced, and most importantly, and sadly, previous lessee refused to acknowledge, installation of larger screen ruined sight-lines in the circle.
FYI, closing apparently. Copy & paste link. Thanks to Tim O'Neill for the heads up.
Just to clarify, Ralph is now the new landlord, with no connection to The Astor Theatre – which is my business, and in operation since 1982. The landlord owns the physical building, The Astor Theatre – my business and a registered Trade Mark – is owned by my company (I am not simply a ‘manager’)
wow, what great programming, I see that a week long run of ‘Raiders of Lost Ark’ of the new 2K Digital Cinema re-master is happening the first week of July!
The theatre yesterday celebrated it’s 75th anniversary with a screening of 1933’s KING KONG.
Well done George — your theatre is an absolute credit and when it comes to cinema treaures, it is world class.
Very nice theatre,great looking vertical sign.
Wish the street car wasn’t in the way.
Thank you to all the posters on this page. I am the proprietor of The Astor and am pleased to say that the new owners, St Michael’s Grammar School have embarked on an ambitious programme of upgrading and restoration. Nothing relating to the heritage nature of The Astor can or will be altered. It will remain a balconied theatre with 1100 seats. We were pleased with St Michael’s purchase of the Astor freehold, and together hope to launch the Astor into a new phase, that being re-instatement of the stage area for St Michael’s live productions, and other community performance and music related useage. It is my intention to also maintain film screenings as long as the public continue to support this aspect of the Astor. The screen can be engineered so that it is moveable to allow the stage to be used. The level of screenings will depend on the public’s support. As we also control a large library of 35mm and 70mm films (mainly classics from the late 1920s to the late 90’s) it is my intention also to see that the Astor survives well into the future as a ‘working cinema museum’ able to screen real film prints when most other cinemas have converted to digital. Digital is great, yes, but it cannot compare to watching real film – the stuff that ran through the cameras. As there has been no major disruption to the Astor’s continuous screening of film since it opened in 1936 is a good enough reason to expect that film screenings can continue to be part of its future. Thank you for your support. George
Saturday matinees ceased long ago, and now, latest calendar has every Tuesday “closed for private function”. Double feature policy also seems to be waning. Many nights programmed for single feature only. Is this the beginning of the end?
jan 2009 photos
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lobby poster frame
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lobby ceiling
stalls lounge
circle lounge
ceiling detail
ceiling and wall detail
staircase to circle
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circle lobby
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2007 photo of Astor Theatre historic auditorium:
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As a projectionist,this looks like a dream come true theatre to work at!I hope it continues with better success.The 70mm programming is very impressive!
Sadly the Astor is on the market again. Following the recent multi-plexing of The Westgarth Theatre it is the only unaltered balcony cinema in Melbourne so it will be a tragedy if altered substantially – but economically it has stuggled for years.
The Astor is indeed a gem. I suggest any cinephile who goes to Melbourne make the pilgrimage, no matter what is playing.
I was at the Astor last Sunday for a screening of Billy Wilder’s “Irma La Douce”. Whilst the print was not the best I can tell you that the Astor’s owners retain a sense of what cinema is all about!!
Not only did we have Edith Piaf singing before the film and during intermission (yes a real intermission …Irma is 140 minutes long) the huge screen and excellent sound system made this a great cinema pleasure!
The Astor is a true jewel. It is wonderful she has heritage protection to ensure she around for a long time to come!
I saw Cinema Paradiso during it’s original run at this theatre, and I can’t think of a more perfect setting for this or any other film. It’s like being transported to the golden age of cinema. It’s still operating, has a genuine widescreen at 19 metres wide, and 70mm projection equipment. The constantly changing “double features”, are perfect for anyone wanting to see a mix of the old and new, print quality is stated with the best copy available being played. As someone who has lost interest in the modern cinema experience, the Astor is the last bastion of a “night at the flicks” for me.
An exterior photograph of the Astor Cinema:
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September 22nd 2005 -
The Astor is now up for sale! Declining audience numbers given as the reason.
Michael Healy
I would really like to get back in touch with George. My name is Kerron Hannah a good friend of George from around 10 years ago. I had recently about 4 years ago got back in touch but family issues stopped me from further contact. I have asked a few time for my email address to be passed onto George as there is nothing more important to me at the present time to get back in touch with him as he was a very important figure in my up bringing.Please can yo pass on my email kerron_hannah@hotmail.com to George I would be very greatful, as I am now living in England and it isnt just a case of picking up the phone. Thankyou for your time Kerron Hannah
This is easily the best theatre, revival or otherwise, that I have been to. The quality of presentation is second to none, and I mean that. The picture is bright, clear, and framed properly (the latter is a HUGE pet peeve of mine). Best of all, the screen is massive. I sat in the 6th to the last row at the top of the balcony and the screen filled my entire range of vision. The owners have kept the old time feel of the place, but they do not put that ahead of the quality of the overall experience. There is almost unnoticable sound dampening material on parts of the walls and cieling so it does not have the awful echo of many large old theatres. I could go on for pages about this place (i.e. it has 3 lobbies with couches, overstuffed chairs and a piano, they let you bring glasses of wine into the theatre, the army of ushers who make sure you are seated in the best seats available, etc, etc, etc.) but I’ve taken up enough space already. I know it is out of the way for most people, but if you happen to be near Melbourne, you must pay a visit to the Astor.
The Astor has an excellent website with many more pictures of the beautiful lobby and auditorium. Visit it NOW!!!