Granada Theatre
1125 W. Mitchell Street,
1125 W. Mitchell Street,
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About that Golden Voiced Barton Theater Pipe Organ, 2/, manual/, keyboards/, shipped from the Barton factory in Oshkosh, Wisconsin (named for Chief Oshkosh) in 1927. What happened to the organ?
May 27th, 1927 opening announcement
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L, I feel your pain. I once typed in a lengthy comment using my wife’s Blackberry, which has tiny keys not suited for my large fingers. After all that, I forgot that I had to log in first and my comment was lost forever.
I had typed out a long description, but because I wasn’t a member yet, nothing was saved. So this will be short.
It was the place to be. I remember candy and admission cost 35 cents. The older kids would go up to the balcony and throw water balloons. We never saw ushers; we could stay there from open until close and never be asked to leave. The chairs were all ripped, the floors were sticky, and there were rats, but it was still a great place to go.
-L Sullivan
I received two interesting replies to my posting of this theatre’s history:
From David H. came this:
“Thank you for keeping the memory of the Granada alive. The following are facts I remember about the Granada:
The last neighborhood theater to have daily matinees.
Ocassionally featured Polish language films on Monday and Tuesday
Often was the first neighborhood house to feature a film after its downtown run
In the 1940s had a poor sound system, often it was difficult to hear the dialogue
Was famous for its air conditioning, often it was very cold. One summer it had
a large carboard penquin and the word cool covering up most of the vertical
It was part of the Warner Bros. circuit
It did have a small fire in the 1950s or early 60s
On the east outside wall along the alley it had advertisements for future attractions
pasted to the wall.
It had a small lobby with rest rooms just off the lobby. There were two sets of steep stairs to the balcony, one on each end of the lobby.
Because of its(1) location in the popular Mitchell Street shopping area, (2) location on three well travelled car lines which connected to all areas of the city and (3) featuring of films right from downtown, the Granada was a big money maker.
Once other theaters began to get features right from downtown and parking became a problem, south siders abandoned the Granada for the Avalon, Majestic, Paradise and
41 Twin Outdoor.
The great thing about the Granada was that the person who had to be up early to be at work in the factory by 7, could catch a double feature at 4:30 or 5:00 and be home and in bed by 10 whereas other theaters did not open till 6 meaning the filmgoer might not get to bed before 11.
And as with other theaters, different moviegoers pronounced Granada differently. Some said Granada as Gra-nad-a and others Gra-na-da. The same southsiders had different ways of saying Riviera: some said Riv-ee-era and others Ra-vera And of course the Park, some called it Park, others Pork.
Thanks again,
and from verteran projectionist Paul Dorobialski comes this:
“The reason that the Granada closed is the owner, Mr. Wabazewski, also the owner of Maynard Electric Steel, didn’t wan’t to invest in boiler repairs. So, the last picture that was played was ‘2001-Space Odessey’. When I toured the place in 1972, the power was still turned on at the pole transformer but shut off at the switch inside the building, meaning, for years the sump pump didn’t operate and its sub-basement and basement were flooded. I walked thru the basement with garbage bag waders on.”
It was good of you gentlemen to so expand its history.
If you learn anything more about this theatre, please share that with us here.