Curzon Chelsea Cinema
206 King's Road,
206 King's Road,
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A 2024 shot of the completed rebuild - still no confirmation of the cinema reopening.
GAUMONT Chelsea - exterior
Still closed as of November 2023, but the development seems to be approaching completion and Cadogan’s website suggests a 2024 reopening date.
Grand opening ad posted.
The main planning applications relating to the redevelopment are:
PP/15/04338 – “Partial demolition and redevelopment of 196-222 King’s Road with a two storey basement excavation, to provide cinema floor space at basement and ground floor level; (etc…)”.
PP/16/04793 – “New plans reflecting proposed changes including the demolition and rebuild of Friese Green House, alterations to the King’s Road elevation, additional basement excavation and provision of additional photovoltaic panels”.
Of particular note here is the document titled “KING’S ROAD HISTORIC BUILDING REPORT JUNE 2015” in the 2015 application, which provides a (somewhat “potted”) history of the site. The original 1930s cinema plans—very beautifully drawn—are included on PDF pp28-34. Alas, the text on these is not quite resolved in this file, being throughly obliterated by aggressive JPEG compression.
Plans for the proposed cinema can be seen in the 2016 application at (basement) levels B2 (Auditoria 2 and 3 – “indicative layout” only) and B1 (Auditorium 1), the larger Auditorum 1 being situated above the two smaller auditoria, as is clearly shown in “PROPOSED SECTION AA.”
The architectural practice responsible for these plans is Paul Davis + Partners.
A scale is conveniently provided, and based on this, I estimate Auditorium 1 to be ~27m deep by ~21m wide, or almost 90ft.x70ft., equating to slightly under 6000sq.ft. in area.
The proposed main auditorium is therefore quite generously proportioned, being about the same size as the “existing” auditorium, if its sidewalls were moved in to form a rectangular auditorium. (The “existing” fanned out to about 105ft. wide at the rear.)
HowardBHaas: Estimating from the demolition plans (2016 application, but they’re probably identical in the 2015 application) — the screen width was probably 40-45ft.
More pure nuggets of tedium may be extracted and summarised here if/when I review more of the planning documents!
Some photos taken on the final afternoon – Saturday 31st March 2018 – before and after the final film “Stalker” (there was a live Met Opera screening in the evening).
Great atmosphere last night…free drinks and £5 show of Blow-Up This will be missed
Special £5 shows of Blow Up and Stalker Friday and Saturday to celebrate if possible the end of the Chelsea as we know it…Have tickets for Friday night
Sad news I used to live around the corner and saw some great ones here – Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Jamie Eliott, a lot of Woody Allen, Jean de Florette, Short Cuts
Still a difficult neighborhood in which not to have disabled access – the place needed some work! Long live!
This cinema is closing on March 31st. It will reopen as a 3 screen cinema in 2022 with approx 600 seats across the screens. From the plans it looks like the front of the building is being saved but with all being being rebuilt. Very sad news but with a hint of optimism.
Anyone know how large the screen actually is here? I’ve only visited 2ce, both “flat” movies. There’s photos here of the screen set to flat. Maybe at a “scope” movie, someone can photo?
Noticed the cinema is advertising itself as “London’s biggest screen outside the West End”. Not sure by what metric though as it’s eclipsed in both screen size and seating capacity by Cineworld at the O2. Biggest screen in Central London outside the Wet End? Biggest Curzon screen outside the West End?
this article may be the recent plans, for a triplex including a new 400 seat main auditorium- http://www.getwestlondon.co.uk/news/west-london-news/revamped-cinema-planned-kings-road-9481124
Not necessarily saved… Parisite Property Developers have been given permission to demolish the building and put up flats etc in its place with a proviso for anunderground cinema of sorts. Cadogan Estates successfully appealed and once again big business has been allowed to overrule what little is left of our Kings Road heritage.
Exterior and lobby photos from 2015.
I am so pleased that this cinema has been saved. I was assistant manager here way back in the mid nineteen-seventies and loved the place. I was known then as Robin Brewer.
Saved by a great community effort
As Philip Knatchbull of Curzon put it…if you take it away you will not get it back
This cinema is at risk of being closed down on 21st October. https://www.facebook.com/KeepCurzonontheKingsRoad
The opening ceremony in 1934 was performed by Cary Grant.
fab shot on a sunny day in january 2010 just as an immaculate 1960’s riley one point five zoomed past
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a selection of photos taken dec 2009
lobby and stairs
exterior of the main building now habitat
main building and cinema entrance – nightime
The Compton organ has been installed in the theatre part of Watford Town Hall, Hertforshire (known as “The Colosseum”) for many years.It was restored to playable condition in 2008, but sees little regular use.
Just realized that I posted on this cinema two years ago…my feelings remain the same…now being booked with the Curzons…they are not shy about booking a big box office picture ie a Bond as they are about the right art house product…do wish they were just a bit more fun!
here’s a fabulous bunch of pictures
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I love the way they have kept the same logo here for must be nearly 25 years now!
Great place to see a movie with a great appreciative audience. Made many visits here in the 80s
a lovely large single-screen gem indeed, but very bland decor and what happened to the curtains ( mostly lost in multiplexes alas) and the gentle music while we wait? Banned because of the high art content? The NFT seems to do nicely without the awful popcorn and still have music. It would be nice to see some revival Big Screen programming mixed in with the Art.