Village Theatre

4020 N. MacArthur Boulevard,
Oklahoma City, OK 73122

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MichaelKilgore on October 21, 2021 at 6:53 pm

Boxoffice, April 30, 1962: “Refurbishing of the Coronado Theatre in suburban Warr Acres, which was struck by fire February 20, is under way and the theatre should be back in business around the last of June. The building is owned by Bob McFarland, and is leased to the R. Lewis Barton circuit.”

Boxoffice, July 23, 1962: “Your correspondent had the privilege of attending … "The Spiral Road,” Saturday evening (14) at the newly completed War Acres. This theatre was formerly the Coronado, which was destroyed by fire several months ago … The theatre seats 646"

vonerator on November 3, 2013 at 8:57 pm

I saw “The Tingler” here. They had a bathtub out front filled with blood. Quite an impact on a 6 year old kid. I loved it! Buzzers in some of the seats with a medical cot in the lobby, wow, those were the days! Anyone know of any pictures of this place?

cowden416 on September 22, 2013 at 1:11 am

This is the theater I grew up attending on Saturday afternoons, along with every other kid in the neighborhood, in the late ‘40s and early '50s. I would walk from my house and pick up my friend Martha at her house and we would go to the movies for a quarter. We would get Milk Duds or Holloway’s Sugar Daddies because they were chewy and would last a long time. Sometimes the film would break and the kids would put up a howl until they spliced it back together. At other times the noise level would get so loud they would stop the film and turn on the lights until the kids quieted down. The first movie I ever remember seeing was when my parents took me to see “The Jolson Story” (1946 – I was 5) with Larry Parks. A world of magic was opened up for me. Other favorites were “Words and Music” (1948), with June Allyson singing “Thou swell, thou witty…;” “The Daughter of Rosie O'Grady,” with June Haver and Gordon McCrae, all the Ester Williams movies, and many more. All seen and loved at the beautiful (but sticky-floored on Saturday afternoons) Coronado Theater.

jdmerchant on January 24, 2013 at 2:31 pm

I was one of the Putnam city junior high school kids in 1965 that hung around the Coronado. We called it the passion pit. If you were lucky you could get the stink finger. Homer English and I cleaned the joint after hours. I can’t remember the owner’s name. Anybody know

luckeebreak on December 26, 2009 at 2:52 pm

I saw Liz Taylor in Cleopatra every Friday night for what seems like months in about 1965. Didn’t matter what was playing. This is where kids from Putman City Junior High would hang. I think that officially it was the town of Warr Acres, then. Had a balcony I remember. Not far away was Wedgewood Amusement Park, Lakeview Country Club, Coronado Bowling alley. David

kencmcintyre on August 28, 2007 at 5:05 am

Also known as Barton’s Coronado circa 1963.

Okie on July 30, 2006 at 5:32 pm

Well, golly gee, seems I forgot to mention that the Coronado was razed almost ten years ago to make way for a chain drug store.

Okie on July 30, 2006 at 4:53 pm

Operated by Barton Cinemas in association with Gene Autry Theatres, this rather large movie house was designed in sumptuous Spanish Colonial styling with peach tone stucco walls, tan & blue terra-cotta ornamentation, and a green tile roof.
Since the late 60’s this former theatre has operated as an upscale furniture store, but some original lavish interior decoration remain intact.