New Centre Theatre

E. Truman Road and Troost Avenue,
Kansas City, MO 64108

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dallasmovietheaters on December 29, 2024 at 4:02 pm

January 10, 1932 reopening ad under the Chicago Amusement Company Circuit with Stepin Fetchit in person in photos.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on April 22, 2018 at 9:56 pm

The New Centre Theatre is on David and Noelle’s list of known Boller theaters as a 1916 project.

rivest266 on April 22, 2018 at 3:55 pm

This opened on December 2nd, 1916. Grand opening ad in the photo section. It was at the SE corner of Truman and Troost.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on September 18, 2014 at 11:51 pm

The March 21, 1925, issue of The Reel Journal reported that W. Lee Vaughan of the Art Theatre, Kansas City, Kansas, had bought the New Center Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. The May 9 issue brought more news about the house:


“The New Center Theatre, Fifteenth and Troost, Kansas City has been remodeled and refurnished by J. D. Lynn and W. Lee Vaughan, new managers. A Wurlitzer Hope-Jones organ has been installed. The theatre seats 1,500.”

A letter from J. V. Lynn, manager of the New Center Theatre, was published in an ad for Arctic Nu-Air Systems in the August 14, 1926, issue of The Reel Journal. Mr. Lynn describes the New Center as having “…an unusually long auditorium and deep pocketed balcony….”

An unusual policy in place at the New Center Theatre is mentioned in the March 8, 1930, issue of The Film Daily:

“Talker Nickelodeon

“Kansas City — Talkers at nickelodeon prices have made their bow here in the New Center, 1,450-seat house owned by L. O. Gardner, who offers ‘Bargain Monday’ performances that are advertised as the biggest show in the U. S. for a nickel. On other nights the scale is 10 and 15 cents.”

RobbKCity on August 4, 2011 at 8:35 am

15th Street was renamed Truman Road.

Here is a link to a photo of the New Center Theater.

spectrum on September 27, 2007 at 2:42 am

In the 1936 American Film Review annual, the New Center is listed as having 1,400 seats and it was closed at that time.