GC Four Seasons Mall Cinemas I-IV

Koury Boulevard and Interstate 40,
Greensboro, NC 27407

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billhobbs on April 1, 2023 at 2:45 pm

Raysson you got the movies right but the Cinema screens wrong. North Avenue Irregulars was in Cinema 1. Class of Miss McMichael was in Cinema 2. Every Which Way But Loose was in Cinema 3. The Inheritance was in Cinema 4. I remember this because the entrance to the theater area had them numbered left to right and that is the locations of the movies. I’m pretty sure Every Which Way But Loose was a last minute replacement which may explain the ad showing Slow Dancing as one of the movies for the Gala Opening then Every Which Way But Loose when it actually opened. Every Which Way But Loose was already playing at some other theaters when 4 Seasons Cinemas opened.

Every Which Way But Loose and North Avenue Irregulars were really busy. The other two not so much. Slow Dancing was shown but didn’t stay long.

raysson on May 28, 2015 at 1:47 pm

Theater was demolished in 2002 to make way for the expansion project of the Four Seasons Mall. In 2007, a newer, flashier, state of the art 18-screen stadium seating megaplex opened off High Point Road just a mile from the Four Seasons Mall near Interstate 40.

raysson on June 17, 2014 at 5:35 pm

Closed in October of 2001.

rivest266 on April 20, 2013 at 2:01 pm

Raysson, So do I and uploaded it in the photo section for this theatre.

raysson on July 3, 2012 at 12:46 pm

billhobbs: I have the original ad of the grand opening of this theatre from the Greensboro News and Record on February 9,1979 of the Four Seasons Mall Cinemas.






raysson on June 22, 2012 at 11:43 am

Open on Friday February 9, 1979 as General Cinema’s second movie theatre to open in the greater Triad area,and Greensboro’s second multiplex theatre since the opening of the Carolina Circle Mall Cinemas 6 that opened on November 12,1976. The 2nd GCC Theatre to open since the Hanes Mall Cinemas opened in Winston-Salem on December 22,1976. The Four Seasons Mall Cinemas closed in 2001.

raysson on April 10, 2012 at 7:09 pm

The Four Seasons Mall itself opened in 1975 as one of the largest indoor shopping centers in the Triad. At the time it was a two level mall,but during the 1980’s a third level was placed. The major department stores at Four Seasons were JC PENNEY, BELK, DILLARD’S, JORDAN MARSH, and THALHIMERS, along with a G.C. MURPHY’S, PICCADILLY CAFETERIA and other specialty stores and services. The cinema which was located on the opposite end of the shopping center off I-40 and High Point Road didn’t opened in 1979.

Coate on July 5, 2011 at 8:13 pm

The article mentioned in the comment above is Happy 30th, Raiders of the Lost Ark .

raysson on July 5, 2011 at 6:14 pm

Steven Spielburg’s 1981 blockbuster RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK opened at the Four Seasons Mall Cinemas on June 12, 1981. Complete information is on the Cinema Treasures site….“typed” RAIDERS in the search box and it give you the complete information of where RAIDERS played first-run in North Carolina. Believe me,I contribute to some of the research along with Michael Coate. rcj5365@excite.com

raysson on July 5, 2011 at 6:07 pm

Mike Rogers: “Hardcore” was Rated “R” and was released by Columbia Pictures. In 1979,there was no “NC-17”. The MPAA Rating from “X” to “NC-17” came in 1990. I do remember this movie playing in Durham as well at the South Square Mall Cinemas(which was under Cinema National Theatres not General Cinema),which didn’t do well with the audience.Maybe in Greensboro,but not in Durham.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on July 5, 2011 at 3:26 pm

thanks Bill hobbs great looking Colorful marquee,“Hardcore” was certainly a hard “R”.No NC-17 then ?

Mikeoaklandpark on July 5, 2011 at 1:55 pm

Ok so where do they operate and build new theaters. I thought they were bankrupt and out of business years ago.

sporridge on January 31, 2010 at 1:09 pm

Another great resource for General Cinema history, the remnants of their former Website:


billhobbs on January 30, 2010 at 2:08 pm

I was the first Chief of Staff at this theatre and you have some of the facts wrong. The theatre opened in 1979 not 1976, I know this because I moved to Greensboro on January 19, 1979 to help open the theatre. I helped put the first movies on the marquee. It had snowed and was quite dangerous. I remember 3 of the first movies. North Avenue Irregulars, Class of Miss McMicheal, Every Which Way But Loose and I think Cinema 4 had George C. Scott’s “Hardcore”. Mr. Gray Jones was the manager. He passed away January 24th 2010. Rocky (I don’t remember his last name) was Mr. Jones' assistant manager.

raysson on June 8, 2009 at 2:23 pm

Other General Cinema Theatres located in North Carolina.

View link

raysson on June 8, 2009 at 2:13 pm

Photo taken of a General Cinema Theatre located in Greensboro that has the marquee showing for Four Seasons Mall Cinemas off High Point Road.

See the photo at this site:
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raysson on June 8, 2009 at 2:03 pm

Excellent history site of General Cinema Theatres which also includes the marquee for the showings for Four Seasons Mall Cinemas IV off High Point Road,which was the first GC theatre to operated in the Greensboro area.

The site is at:
View link

raysson on July 21, 2008 at 5:01 pm

Part of the General Cinema Theatre chain,the Four Seasons Mall Cinemas was the next venture of theatres that GC owned and operated…it was a multi-plex cinema with four huge auditoriums,and second of such in the Greensboro area. The theatre was operational from 1976 until 1999 when it fell to the megaplexes that opened along the strip of High Point Road and near Interstate 40. And not to mention due to the construction and expansion of the Four Seasons Mall.