CN IMAX Theatre Canada Place
201-999 Canada Place,
V6C 3C1
201-999 Canada Place,
V6C 3C1
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This opened on May 8th, 1987
CN IMAX opening Fri, May 8, 1987 – 15 · The Vancouver Sun (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) · Newspapers.com
This IMAX theater ceased operations on October 1, 2009.
This IMAX theater has THE best cinema sound in Vancouver hands down.
This IMAX theater actually opened in 1986 as a part of the Canadian Pavilion exhibit which was housed in what is now Canada Place. (Canada Place was connected to the main Expo site at False Creek by a Skytrain shuttle line). Upon entering the pavilion, fairgoers saw a documentary film that was made in Douglas Trumbull’s Showscan process. Then each fairgoer had to choose one of three additional presentations, one of which was in the IMAX theater. That film was in 3-D, one of the first, if not the first, IMAX 3-D film. Except for the IMAX theater, the other theaters that were part of the Canadian exhibit were temporary and ceased to exist after Canada Place took on its permanent role as cruise ship terminal and convention center.