Fox Event Center
123 Cajon Street,
123 Cajon Street,
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I added the site plan showing both theatres in this page’s photo section.
Photo of the façade from January 2011. The place looks great from the outside (was unable to see the interior on this trip). How drastic was the interior changed during its conversion to office space back in 2008?
My sister used to work here and I would go to work with her and watch movies all day.
I would look around the upper balcony areas which I wasn’t supposed to go into and remember the thick carpeting muffling the sounds of my shoes as I sneaked past the employee only area signs.
I even remember one saturday being bored I had managed to escape Mom’s watchful eyes and discovering a old emergency fire escape climbed up onto the curved roof and walked around looking across the valley towards the mountains.
In the 1980’s I moved away and returned for a visit to discover the beautiful fox boarded over and the marquee darkened.
The magic and memories of so many of Redlands children forgotten and abandoned.
I have traveled the world and the Fox was always in my thoughts of what happened to the place of magic.
After seeing the movie The Majestic it reminded me of The Fox and so recently I discovered she was rescued and partially restored.
I was so glad that a place of my childhood and memories had found someone to love and take care of it again.
Thank You for saving such a wonderful place so that others might make new memories in that place I spent so many happy saturdays.
Those were the days Redlands was small town America and we knew almost everyone in town.
Now I look at Redlands and it seems so different but places like the Fox remain to remind me of my childhood and those carefree days of my childhood.
Hello I know I posted before this, but this is an IMPORTANT UPDATE!
“HORROR Night at the Fox” event on October 29, 2010. DOORS OPEN AT 6pm !!
HAUNTED MAZE, Costume Contests, SCARY FUN, More contests, raffles, silent auction, FOOD& BEST OF ALL…HELP YOUR SCHOOL !!!!!$1 from every admission ticket sale will go to your school when you show your ID (participating schools only).
SUPPORT The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society(LLS)and FIGHT AGAINST BLOOD CANCER!! Check out their booth at this event!
Enter into Forbidden Panel’s ZOMBIE DRESS UP CONTEST and become a character in a comic book !
with a special twist. Experience the classic in a new way at 7pm
• Enter into contests !
• Bring cash for the fundraiser and concession stands
This event is hosted by RCPS Southern California, MyPara.net, Forbidden Panel and Redlands Fox Theater
All ages welcome ! 12 and under do need an adult present at all times.
General Admission: $10]
Ages 12 and under: $7
ORDER YOUR TICKETS AT WWW.RCPSSOCAL.COM! OR Call (909)831-5615 to reserve your spot! Limited Seating !!
I’d like to cordially invite everyone to “HORROR Night at the Fox” event on October 29, 2010.
HAUNTED MAZE, WEAR YOUR COSTUME, SCARY FUN, CONTESTS, FOOD& BEST OF ALL…HELP YOUR SCHOOL !!!!!$1 from every admission ticket sale will go to your school ASB when you show your ID.
Please come and SUPPORT The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society(LLS)and FIGHT AGAINST BLOOD CANCER!! Check out their booth at this event!
Enter into Forbidden Panel’s ZOMBIE DRESS UP CONTEST and become a character in a comic book !
You’re invited to Redlands’ very own haunted theater, theFox Theater. Never been offered at the Fox !
with a special twist.
• Enter into contests !
• Bring cash for the fundraiser and concession stands
This event is hosted by RCPS Southern California, MyPara.net, and Redlands Fox Theater
OCTOBER 29, 2010 at Redlands Fox Theater. Doors open at 7:00pm.
All ages welcome ! 12 and under do need an adult present at all times.
General Admission: $10
Ages 12 and under: $7
ORDER YOUR TICKETS AT WWW.RCPSSOCAL.COM! OR Call (909)792-3888 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (909)792-3888      end_of_the_skype_highlighting and get your tickets!
Reserve your spot ! LIMITED SEATING !!!
Take lots of pictures of the haunted location, make newfriends, and have fun !! Who knows, you just might catch something.
The Fox Theater is now the Fox Event Center and open for events such as weddings, quinceaneras, sweet sixteens, birthdays, charity events, concerts, any event. We have several screens and now have state-of-the-art sound and lighting with the Event Design Lab, and can sit up to 700 people.
Please come visit the Fox Event Center anytime. Thank you for your continual support. Our upcoming event is on May 28, Africa Harvest of Hope Benefit Show 7 pm.
If you have any questions regarding the Fox Theater feel free to email me at , if you’d like to volunteer at the Fox we’d gladly appreciate any help we can get. Thanks !
I was stationed at Norton Air Force Base from September 1967-September 1968 and I would take the base bus on my days off to Redlands and enjoyed walking around town all day and going to the Fox movie house at night.Growing up in New York City I loved the small town feeling and was awed by the palm trees lining the main street.I have two questions however.First is it possible I remember the marquee in front of the theatre at that time being the same one as the 1928 picture above on the Cinema Treasures site? Second I came across an old post card which seems to have been made around the 1920’s of Redlands.It was taken looking from the other end of town down the main street (Cajon St.???)and says it is looking toward the YMCA. I know this goes back further than some of you but do any of you remember a YMCA being in town?
One time during my visits to town the high school was showing the movie “Endless Summer” as a fund raiser for one of the teams if I remember right.It was a very pleasent walk and evening and I have many wonderful memories of Redlands.
Story of the theater’s reopening:
Not an ad, a news story.
This was in the Redlands Daily Facts in April 1953:
One hundred and forty were present last evening as Junior Women of the Contemporary Club and their husbands were guests of Manager William O. Hallett for a theatre party at the Fox Theatre. The three-dimensional film, “Bwana Devil,” was shown as the program highlight, followed by “The Savage” in technicolor. A buffet supper was served by candlelight at the Contemporary Club after the theatre program. Spring flowers had been arranged on the supper table and on the mantel by Mrs. Robert Knight, Mrs. Hugh Folkins and Mrs. Donald Leonard.
I grew up in Redlands from ‘67 – '84. I still vividly remember walking from my grandmother’s house on Nordina Street to see the new Disney movies in the 70’s, and then – something like Star Wars or Chariots of the Gods!
We saw the marquis, glowingly announcing the current double feature. Colorful neon lines (I think red and green?) bordered the marquis with a big fluer-de-lis-like gold moulding at the top of the front center.
There would always be a long line of people along the front street – waiting to get tickets from that free-standing center console ticket booth, just inside the marquis. How cool it seemed to have been the royal ticket concierge (kids view)! As we waited we would eagerly gaze at the posters of the upcoming features held within beautiful large, elegant viewing frames, embedded into both sides of the entryway.
Once inside the main lobby, I always felt welomed by the large expanse of carpet, with its pink and green and yellow ?floral?/?feathered? swirls on the black background. The chandeliers and the carpeted wide center stairway leading to the split stairs to the right and left always made a big impression on me.
The strong, so nostalgic smell of popcorn came from the side concession center – sadly, the only detail there I can remember is a vague image of a big, flat glass popcorn display.
As I excitedly went into the main screen room, there were thick, deep red velvet curtains to push aside before you entered the dimmed theatre. Time to choose a seat. The seats flipped up to allow easier passage – that sound of kids playing with flip-flop of the seat – then annoying, now echoes fondly in my thoughts. I believe at first they were of a reddish-brown leather, but as they aged and cracked, they were replaced with deep reddish-orange velvet seats.
The times I went up to the balcony, I always took in the awe of the beautifully painted half-columns framing the stage housing the screen. Again, that mysterious swirl effect carried the majestic feeling of the theater throughout its interior. I think, the front of the balcony gently curved to allow great viewing from all sides.
There were two giant curtains, on either side of the screen – of a faded reddish orange (or green?? – my memory fails me) velvet. In my earlier years at the Fox, I remember them being closed between showings – separating only to reveal the thrill as the feature began. In my teens, when these curtains remained pulled to the side at all times, I missed seeing the large designs intricately laid out: an oval image on each half, and another flowing, floral-type pattern repeated along the borders. I had actually forgotten this until I saw the picture on one of your listings (thank you!).
Even the walls and ceilings boasted decorations throughout – some painted, some moulded – a lot to feast my eyes upon while I waited for the movie.
The movies generally came in two’s. One children’s movie (Disney, of course) and one more adult type feature. Once you were in the theater you could stay as long as you wanted. I still remember one night when my brother and I went – first delighted through Cinderella, then Star Wars, we called mom, pleading “Can we stay and see them again, PLEEEAASE?” And we did.
Thank you to the Redlands Fox theater – you’ve given me memories that I can have again and again. My gratitude and compliments to all who have worked to keep it going!
I found this photo taken in 1956…
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If anyone can get me a shot of the marquis in color, I could colorize and recreate this one!
So Sorry Admission is NOT free, it is $5
(got to pay the bands something!)
It starts at 8pm
Doors open at 7:30
Call the Fox Event Center for more info 909-528-0255
123 Cajon St. Redlands, Ca. 92373
Note: BDL as “David Sea Little and Friends” performed the first rock concerts ever in the Fox in 1977. This opening show will be the first show in over thirty year at the Fox. Please come out and enjoy “her” new stage July 4th. Admission is FREE!!!
Yes “she” is open again!! The first show is July 4th 2009 with Big Dave Little and Friends. A new stage is coming in today!!!! Check http://www.myspace.com/bigdavelittleband for more info
Ha-ha, it’s open again! I’m happier than a chicken dumplin. Can you all imagine how happy that is???!!!
Display room 2: View link
Brief history: View link
Lighting detail: View link
Here are some photographs of the Fox that I took on June 20, 2009.
Whole building: View link
Front of theatre: View link
Display room 1: View link
Display room 2:http://www.flickr.com/photos/achangeinscenerymovies/3654570276/
Brief history:http://www.flickr.com/photos/achangeinscenerymovies/3653772197/
Lighting detail:http://www.flickr.com/photos/achangeinscenerymovies/3653770479/
Thanks Meredith! Long term memory seems to be fine. I wish I could say the same when I’m standing in the middle of my garage wondering what I had come in there for.
The recreations took a long time. However, it was fun and nostalgic at the same time. Like fixing up a old Chevy. ;)
schneb, you did a really good job! Your memory was not fading.
During the excitement of renovating the Fox, I used Photoshop to recreate the interior and foyer from old photos. Unfortunately, the owner decided against turning it back into a theater, so all we have left are memories. Here are some photos I collected including my recreations.
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Thanks. Your photo didn’t have a caption, of course, as you posted it. If I was to click on “Back to Flickr page”, as I just did, I then see the caption. Look before you leap, as the saying goes.
It appears to be office space judging by the 2008 photo.
Here’s a painting, circa 2007, by renowned local artist Christine Curry. Her murals grace many buildings in downtown Redlands. I think this painting is for sale!