Post Oak Drive-In
2900 Post Oak Boulevard,
2900 Post Oak Boulevard,
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I worked at the Movieland Golf Course the summer of 1963. rivest266 did you post the Boxoffice ad? Where can I find it?
Grand opening ads posted.
The June 4, 1962 issue of Boxoffice ran a two-page article, with plenty of photos, of the 36-hole movie-themed mini golf offered at the Post Oak. “How to bring the people back to the theatre … That was the question bothering movieman Carroll Lewis jr., Post Oak Drive-In Theatre in Houston in 1961. … He and Charlie Hillis, manager of Post Oak, chose movies to be represented which would give them the best chance for colorful replicas for exhibit.”
Visible in the 1953 and 1957 Historic Aerials at it’s original location at 2900 Post Oak. Visible in the 1962 and 1964 Historic Aerials at the new N. Post Oak site as a single screen. 1966 and 1973 Historic Aerials has it as a twin. Gone by 1981.
@Arriens Was the building on the middle right a wax museum?
KPRC Television Station.
What was built at the original drive-in location?
Sorry I don’t remember you. Can you tell me something about yourself or about anybody you worked with. Have you been able to stay in contact with anyone from that time frame. It had been 7 years since I posted so I was surprised to get a notification.
I worked there 62 til 64… at 1255 N Post Oak.. Was owned by Carrol Lewis and managed by Charlie Hillis… Lots of good times. a large apartment complex there now……………
Sorry, I do not have any photos.
Arriens…Have any pictures to share?
I worked at the Post Oak from 1961-1964. If you need any specfics will will be more that will to share. Would love to hear from my former co-workers.
That’s OUTSTANDING, ennis! I REALLY appreciate your recollection!
I always thought that the character at the center of the screen was “Dinky Duck”. From what I’ve read and seen, sometimes yellow can photograph very dark, almost black. As for the screen tower itself, from what I can see, it’s architecture is unique. The only other view of it is from the book ‘Cinema Houston – From Nickelodeon to Megaplex’. Here’s a preview of the specific photo which can be found on page 212:
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Hopefully everyone can see it. If not, Google “Carroll Lewis Post Oak (Drive-In Theatre). The Google Books entry should show up.
LarryFM, I’m going back some 60 years but this is what I remember about the screen tower. The “duck” was bright yellow. I always thought the owners copied the design from and old MGM cartoon character from the 40'& 50’s. I believe the outside border of the tower was red and the word POST OAK was black. There were 2 to 4 flood lights at the bottom of signature that lite it up at night. When Cinemascope came in 54, they added 6 to 8 feet of new tower on each side of the existing tower.
In 1951 when the Post Oak was built, there was no other drive in on that side of town so it did a lot of business.
Ennis, if you click onto the earlier link I provided, it’ll take you to a pic of the first Post Oak’s screen tower, provided by the late Carroll Lewis. Would you happen to remember any details about it and it’s artwork? I sure would appreciate what you can recall. Thank you!
Hard to believe that they would move a drive in guess it can be done though.
I use to frequent the Post Oak Drive In many times during the 1950’s when it was at it’s original location on Post Oak at Westheimer. When looked at, during the daytime, you could see Hayes, Kansas on the other side as there was nothing built beyond it except wondering praire. As a matter of fact, there was nothing on Post Oak except the Post Oak Drive In. In 1951 when it was built, Post Oak was considered out in the middle of nowhere.
That’s hard news. I’m sure most of us here would’ve loved to have had an opportunity to ask Mr. Lewis questions about the Post Oak Drive-In, or listened to any stories he may have had. It appears he led a full and adventurous life.
Thank you very much for the link, CWalczak.
According to this article, the colorful person who built this drive-in recently passed away: View link
Here’s a smallish but excellent photograph of the first Post Oak Drive-In’s screen tower:
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The book ‘Cinema Houston’ has an oblique aerial shot of this particular theatre, circa 1952, and also a short biography of it. Has anyone here been to either the first or second Post Oak Drive-In?
In 1956 it parked 526 cars and was owned by Jack Groves.