Dale Mabry Drive-In
5055 S. Dale Mabry Highway,
5055 S. Dale Mabry Highway,
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Now Lighthouse Bay Apartment complex @ 5055 S Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, FL 33611.
Please update. It closed because of the Selman Hwy interchange with the Tampa Bay Bridge. This took up half the theatre.
The apartment complex is called Lighthouse Bay. Also a fly in drive-in. Selmon Expressway at the back of the drive-in site.
I suspect that this ad had red and black ink. I uploaded it in the photo section.
Here is page 1 of the ad mentioned on top.
Found on Newspapers.com
Page 2
Found on Newspapers.com
I can’t say that I remember a young girl with a German Shepard. Probably either before or after my time. I was there from around August ‘69 to February '70. Although I didn’t stay very long I enjoyed the work and especially the people. Wages were not good but there were a few perks. Free movies, free passes for family and friends, free popcorn, and all the soda you could drink.
Don’t know if you were working when Rosie’s grand daughter walked up there with her dog one night. A german shepherd. That was me I was under 10 years old.
KRULMS54: I worked with Rosie and Mrs. Thom back in 1969 and have fond memories of both ladies. They were the nicest sweetest ladies and a real pleasure to work with. Nice to hear from someone who was close to them. I still think about the time I worked at the Dale Mabry. We ran the cleanest most efficient refreshment stand of all the drive-ins in town. Hard to believe 47 years have since passed.
Rosie was my Grandmother and Mrs Thom was like a grandmother to me.
Just posted a couple ads for showing of “The Sound of Music” under photos.
Thomas, Since opening in 1949 this theatre has always been called the Dale Mabry Drive-In. Tampa has never had a theatre called Apollo although there is a city called Apollo Beach several miles from Tampa. Maybe you’re thinking of a theatre in that area? Although the Dale Mabry probably did run all the Planet of the Apes films on one evening so it may have been this drive-in you saw them at.
I can not remember but was this drive inn called Apollo drive in once before they built the jah-lia sports arena and crosstown express or am I think of another place? I remember watching all nite movies Planet of the Apes all of them. Thomas Rogers
Thanks for the great program! However, “on our giant panoramic screen” is certainly misleading. The Dale Mabry had a small squarish screen during this time. It wasn’t until 1964 when a larger wide screen was installed.
thanks Nick, what a large Drive-in.those apartments fit right in!!!
Here’s an aerial of the property as it looks today:
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Nick,did you get the ad i sent down.
You know I always wanted to see"CASTLE KEEP" I have the one-sheet I got out of the Miller Theatre. I am born on his birthday so I guess I have always been a Burt Lancaster fan.I don’t think “CASTLE KEEP” has ever been out on VHS or DVD.From what I read fans of his just disliked an actor of his staure coming out with an R rated movie,this was the late sixties.John Wayne was smarter,for good or bad,he turned down “DIRTY HARRY”.Those old actors had a group of fans and like John Wayne would say “John Wayne doesn’t to this.”
I think “Castle Keep” opened first-run at the Loew’s as I seem to remember seeing it there. Never saw “The Gypsy Moths.” Mike, what’s the reason these two may have hurt Lancaster with his fans, the R rating?
“The Gypsy Moths” and “Castle Keep” were two back to back R-rated movies that many feel hurt Lancaster with his fans.Nick,they look great.Left you a Thank you on National Hills Theatre.Better to be on CT than in my movie ad collection.
More programs dated 1967 & 1970:
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Nice vintage ads Nick.
Programs from 1967-1969:
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Nick, also included are a few more theatre stories I wrote.They are not as good as your,but they a few cute stories,like the HOOKERS working a Drive-in.
Nick, How are the stories coming. I am sending you some pictures of National Hills after it closed and the MODJESKA in augusta having the Marquee torn down.
You are right.nick,did tell me once he finished this long story he too forgot a few stories.I do think had i taken the time like Nick,I wouldn’t have guys from the West coast correcting my dates.I mean you gotta admit it was a screw up to say Columbia1 and 2 opened in 1977,WHEN IT WAS 1976. A little more time looking up facts would have been better.Like Nick. Trying to get TLSLOEWS to write some stuff on Nashville theatres,but he is like me i think in that he doesn’t want to get things wrong about a theatre he worked at. Where is Cathy? Boy.never thought her for the shy one.
But Mike, if you told it all at once you wouldn’t have anything left to say! LOL