Meadowbrook Theatre

2549 Hempstead Turnpike,
East Meadow, NY 11554

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ridethectrain on July 20, 2021 at 8:44 am

On May 25, 1990 it became a sixplex

ridethectrain on June 8, 2021 at 12:21 pm

Please update, tehatre closed May 9, 2002

ridethectrain on November 1, 2019 at 12:06 pm

ALSO UPDATE, it became a quad on December 16, 1977, month after the Loews Nassau Mall Quad (now known as AMC Levittown) open.

ridethectrain on October 30, 2019 at 9:49 pm

Uploaded a grand opening ad as six screens, Screens 5 and 6 open in June 1990

DavidZornig on June 5, 2017 at 7:37 am

August 1964 image added credit Newsday by Curran.

robboehm on May 24, 2016 at 8:05 pm

Uploaded a photo from the early days. A portion of the original marquee with the “Me” just showing.

MikeyG on January 16, 2014 at 9:31 am

If anyone is interested, I set up a LI Rocky Horror FB page a while back… Please feel free to join.

crystalmarie470 on January 16, 2014 at 12:52 am

Oh i forgot i think his name was Greg…omg. he loved the Rocky Horror shows, heloved this job too. please Greg get in touch. Crystal :))

crystalmarie470 on January 16, 2014 at 12:49 am

I just came across this page. I worked there when Yvette was supervisor. Also Neil was manager. Oh the fun times when he was there. I loved this job. Working the midnight rocky horror shows. I still say this was the best job ever. I say that cause it was always fun. I worked concession mostly. I had some really good friends id like to find. Thats kinda how I came across this. Tall blonde John. And Rich i think his last name was dorfman. Id love to be in touch with yvette. Kept in touch for a while. She used to also work as an extra in commericial or even movies n wonder if she continued. I. Worked there when i was 17.. 1987- not sure when I left. I saw the one pic on here of yvette. Katie etc. The one pic that has two people in it kinda looks like me. I think Rob posted those pictures. Does anyone touch with anyone from 87 on till yvette left. Please contact me. Id love to get in touch with my fellow co workers we had so much fun. Never seemed like work to me. :)

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on October 25, 2013 at 1:04 pm

Stevenle… Back around that same period, I sometimes gobbled those microdots, 5 and 6 at a time. I watched the Earth split open and melt on several occasions. But, gotta say, I enjoyed the ride – and emerged from the smoking ashes, unscathed. Thankfully, particulary for those dearest to me, I haven’t travelled down that rabbit hole in a couple of decades, now.

Stevenle on October 24, 2013 at 10:19 pm

I had a bad trip at the Meadowbrook in 82. I took 2 hits of purple microdot mescaline with my girlfriend. Thank God she didn’t have a bad trip as well and was able to talk me down for 3 hours lol..

LMNJACK on December 18, 2012 at 10:55 am

Ah the old “UA”, a lot of great memories, I remember seeing Return of the Jedi there in 83'. Still live in the area and think of the theater everytime I drive past the bank that sits there now.

musicmandave95 on July 23, 2012 at 5:18 am

Wow! I am so happy I found this website. What happy memories I had working at this theater. I was 10 years old when I started going here and always dreamed of working there. Well when I was 15 I got my wish. I was so happy working there. I remember working for manager Jean Starace and supervisor Yvette. These women were the best. They treated you like family and I always appreciated that. So many fun memories. I remember at the very end when the theater was about to close, I was so sad and thought that maybe it would renovate again but it didn’t and when I saw that it closed my heart was broken. I was crushed when they tore it down.

Jean or Yvette, if you are reading this thread, it’s David Baldi. I want to personally thank you for everything. You both were truly insperational and appreciate your kindness and support. Miss you guys! OOXX

tgreils on September 10, 2010 at 10:45 am

We were changing bulbs!!! 3 girls later and we are still changing them…check out Dave p down south on facebook. good times cleaning the theatre..going w/ tony to philly for a cheesesteak.. fun watching Andy l and Tom Riz fighting and changing the marquee on sub-zero temp nights.. it was fun even with the sub-minimum wage pay.
great stories…

donidarko on September 10, 2010 at 10:23 am

YES! Neil, that be this Don. Forgot about the sneaker incident. Remember the gang drinking at the Black (Hole) Thorn Tavern after the show, and how can we forget your kite flying idea at 2am at the school field. Tom and Lisa would “Change Lightbulbs” in the usher room. And remember changing that frigging marquee on thursday nights in the winter!!!! I think we both had that job at one time or another. I was there through 1980 till mid ‘81. Great to hear from you dude. Keep finding people and adding to our history. Great to find you well!

nrodgers on September 9, 2010 at 12:47 pm

OMG. and Maura, how could I forget Maura, part of the 1977 crew at the Meadowbrook. Feel free to keep adding if any one else was left out.

nrodgers on September 9, 2010 at 12:45 pm

Holy Crap! I just stumbled upon this log by accident. What a goldmine of memories. In the past few days I just reconnected with Dave/Hugh"Houston"/Dana/Tom. Don, you were one of the few guys whose last name I couldn’t remember. Remember the night after a mid-night show you, Tom and I went to CPI and they wouldn’t let you in with sneakers. We drove back and got your shoes because the place was hopping. For those of you reading, we were members of the re-opening crew when they expanded the theater to a QUAD in 1977. remember the mgr Charlie (Dana’s Uncle) and Jean was his Asst.Mgr then. Later Tony L. (where is he today?) and then Mary Cunningham (RIP). How about the after hours (2am) 50’s party. How about Louie “the green hornet” projectionist, He worked the platter system in the 3 new theaters. The original Meadowbrook and the Big Syosset Theater were CLASSIC large balcony houses. I had the good fortune to have worked in both of them among others including the Westbury Drive-in. Great times and memories all around. Here’s to the 1977 crew, Dave/Dana/Don/Tom/Trudy/KathyG/KathyS/KathyM/Jackie/Noreen/Karen(77?)/Vicky(77?)…and sadly Joel. Hope I didn’t forget anyone, thanks for the memories guys. I hope everyone has had a happy life.
Best Regards
Neil R.

jpark377 on September 4, 2010 at 8:58 pm

Robert- Nice picture of Yvette! She was one of the better theater managers I’ve ever met: great at this theater, Manhasset and Lynbrook. I’m sure Jerry S., the regional GM from UA’s home office when it was off the parkway in Westbury, would disagree with my assessment of Yvette. How’s that crappy weather in the Midwest treating you, Jerry?

sadumas on August 12, 2010 at 6:03 am

I remember this theater very well. I used to work there in concession. In the short time I was there in 1994, I had a blast. I am still in touch with one person to this day, meanwhile I wish I was in touch with a couple others. Anyone out there from 1994?


donidarko on March 2, 2010 at 6:51 pm

Hi Tom, Great news. So glad you’re all fine and you guys are happy. I moved to Fort Lauderdale in January. Have you ever ran into Vicki, Karen, Kathy, Denise, or any of the old gang? I’ll always remember those summer days at the Meadowbrook. We had some fun back then. Put on an old flick like The Blues Brothers or Caddyshack or Xanadu and let the memories roll over you! Take care.

tgreils on October 26, 2009 at 5:34 am

Hey Don…hows things..lisa , myself and three girls are doing great..ran into roseanne at a party last week..great to see her..hope all is well …tom

MikeyG on October 25, 2009 at 10:31 am

Does anyone know exactly when the theater closed and when they stopped showing Rocky Horror?


donidarko on September 26, 2009 at 12:39 am

Hey Peng. Is that Tom? That pretty candy girl you married, could that be Lisa? You two were an item when I worked there. Let me know how you are. Shoot me an email if you like.


RobertR on March 29, 2009 at 5:27 pm

Here are some pics I had of the Meadowbrook when my friends worked there.
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