StarCité Montréal

4825 Avenue Pierre-De Coubertin,
Montreal, QC H1V 3V4

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Mako7915 on October 17, 2021 at 4:54 pm

This theatre opened on November 17, 2000. Its opening movies include À Tout Hasard, The 6th Day (Le Sixieme Jour), Les Razmokets à Paris, WWF: Survivor Series, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Le Grincheux), Charlie’s Angels (Charlie et Ses Drôles de Dames), La Legende de Bagger Vance, La Planète Rouge, Le Petit Nicky, Le Petit Vampire, Les Muses Orphelines, L'Honneur à Tout Prix, and Under Suspicion (French).

rivest266 on October 10, 2018 at 4:41 pm

English-language ads uploaded.

rivest266 on December 10, 2016 at 8:22 am

Le 11 novembre 2000, la première annonce de StarCite et de Colossus Laval en français se trouve dans la section de photos de ce cinéma.

November 11th, 2000 grand opening ad for the StarCite and Colossus Laval in French can be found in the photo section for this cinema.