Odeon Liverpool

London Road and Pudsey Street,
Liverpool, L3 5NF

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Showing 1 - 25 of 31 comments

rivest266 on June 20, 2021 at 12:25 pm

4 screens on December 23rd, 1973. More ads posted.

rivest266 on June 20, 2021 at 11:49 am

Two screens on March 20th, 1969. Grand opening ad posted.

Alan Baker
Alan Baker on April 11, 2018 at 7:03 am

This was the only one of the Ex-Paramounts to become the city’s Rank roadshow house. In Birmingham it was the West End and later the Gaumont, in Manchester the Gaumont and the Oxford, in Leeds the Majestic, in Newcastle the Queens and the Pavilion and in Glasgow the Gaumont. Usually smaller seating capacities were preferred for roadshows.

PROJIE on April 2, 2018 at 11:49 am

Former Liverpool projectionist Mike Taylor says he ran the Sound of Music in 70mm for nearly two years. The equipment was then Philips DP70 projectors. When it was the Paramount Simplex machines were in use. Kalee 21 and Cinemecanica equipment was also used when an Odeon.

Eric Evans
Eric Evans on June 30, 2012 at 10:59 am

Please click on photos for the picture.

Eric Evans
Eric Evans on June 30, 2012 at 10:58 am

Not having looked up this cinema on CT for some time I was saddened when in Liverpool yesterday to see that the Odeon was no more,I asked a chap working in a shop opposite as to when it was demolished, and he said it was a couple of months ago,anything to get rid of me I suppose. I decided to take a picture anyway, I wonder what happened to the plaque honouring the late Liverpool film star John Gregson, which I remember being unveiled although I never saw it myself.

laurajade18 on March 23, 2011 at 4:31 pm

Some classic pictures here: View link

Philip Picturedrome
Philip Picturedrome on March 23, 2011 at 12:37 pm

Yes, the two buildings are much older than the cinema.
You can see where the one facing London Road was cut short to allow for the entrance to the cinema.
Ma Egerton’s was originally on the site where the Forum was built in Lime Street, so it would have moved after June 1929.
(I’ve got a copy of a press cutting from June 1929).
That story you heard must have been from somebody who got their facts wrong.

laurajade18 on March 23, 2011 at 11:25 am

Haha Philip, no worries, and apologies! and totally agree, there is still plenty left so worth a visit – and for people to take a good look at some of the details.
And I had to laugh at your mention of the two buildings remaining. I think I read somewhere (and I hope someone can confirm this story!) that when building the paramount, Ma Egerton’s (the pub around the back by Lime Street station) was under consideration for demolition, and the paramount was to take up the whole space. But the landlord’s refused to sell up, meaning the planners had to rethink and build around the pub! And now Ma Egerton’s is going to outlive the Odeon it seems that pub will never die!
The same demolition company pulled down the building further up London Road, which was the old Collier’s Tailors clothing store, and it took them a while to demolish that as well.

Woody – great photo link, I was pleased to see the old façade revealed once again when I visited! Shame its stayed hidden for so long!

woody on March 22, 2011 at 5:09 am

quite a few photos on flickr, this one shows some of the facade revealed for the first time since the cladding went up in 68 (?)

Ian Grundy
Ian Grundy on March 22, 2011 at 4:21 am

Cinema Treasures – they update the submitted text from time to time to keep it current, obviously they were a bit early on the Odeon.

Philip Picturedrome
Philip Picturedrome on March 22, 2011 at 2:27 am

Sorry, Ian.
Your name is the only one that appears.
Who is CT?

Ian Grundy
Ian Grundy on March 22, 2011 at 1:36 am

Actually I didn’t say that either – the text has been amended by CT.

Philip Picturedrome
Philip Picturedrome on March 21, 2011 at 2:14 pm

Hi, Laura.
It was Ian – being rather premature – who says: “Demolition of the Odeon began in November 2010, and was completed in March 2011."
If I didn’t know the truth, a statement like that would have prevented me from visiting the site to take photos, thinking that there’s nothing left.
The demolition will continue, but will take a while.
Apart from the fact it’s a huge building, there are also buildings at two corners which will remain.

laurajade18 on March 21, 2011 at 1:38 pm

I know, have been past it a few times and they made a big mess and now don’t seem to be making any more progress. I didn’t mention that it had been completed – in fact I was wondering why they seem to be keeping the back part of the building up. As I know nothing about demolition I guess I will never know! Perhaps it is just easier to start on that side of the building where they do not have to shut off any roads.
I really hope though that they haven’t made a start and now leave it in the state for several months, they should put it out of its misery if they intend to as soon as they can.

Philip Picturedrome
Philip Picturedrome on March 20, 2011 at 11:31 am

It’s incorrect to say that demolition has been completed.
At the time of writing (March 20), only the centre of the building is part-demolished.
There will be plenty of photo opportunities for quite a while yet.

laurajade18 on March 19, 2011 at 4:49 pm

The demolition is well under way, incredibly sad, walked past it tonight with a gaping hole in the side. Just terrible. There is also a magazine available, another of the liverpool life in association with the echo magazines on lost cinemas of liverpool and the cover picture is of the grand Paramount/Odeon itself. Such a shame that it’s coincided with the demolition of this great picture house.

David on November 22, 2010 at 1:54 am

Sadly the demolition has started with workers currently stripping out what is left of the interior.

TLSLOEWS on June 4, 2010 at 12:30 pm

Thanks for the photos Ian.

Ian Grundy
Ian Grundy on May 27, 2010 at 1:55 am

The demolition banners have been attached to the former Odeon, signalling it’s demise in the near future.

Two exterior photos here:-


Mikebsc on September 23, 2008 at 4:01 pm

This site is due to cease operation at the end of september. It closes the day before the new site opens.