Page Cinema Manor Twin Cinemas

5584 Airway Road,
Riverside, OH 45431

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Previously operated by: Broumas Theatres, Century Circuit Inc., Chakeres Theaters Inc., National Amusements

Previous Names: Page Manor Theatre

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Page Cinema Arts Theatre Interior

This neighborhood theatre was opened by the Broumas Theatres circuit in 1965. On May 24, 1967 it was taken over by Century Theatres just south of Wright Patterson Air Force base. The theatre opened with James Coburn in “In Like Flint” with actress Kathryn Grayson in attendance.

Century operated the theatre for a couple of years and afterward sold it to Holiday Amusements, which in turn, sold the theatre to Chakeres Theatres later. On December 21, 1977 Chakeres added a second screen to the right rear corner of the auditorium. National Amusements operated the Page Manor Twin Cinemas from 1988 to 1993, and from 1993 to 1998, Telkamp Theatres ran the theatre.

After being shuttered for almost six years, the Page Manor Twin Cinemas was reopened in January 2004 under independent ownership. “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” played at the Page Manor Twin Cinemas Saturdays at midnight. The theatre was closed once again in October 2006.

A nearby fire caused damage and it was demolished in April 2011.

Contributed by Page Manor Cinemas, moviemad4life

Recent comments (view all 47 comments)

TerryBear on March 17, 2011 at 3:18 am

Sadly, there was recently a large fire engulfing a large part of the Page Manor shopping center where this theater is located. The moviehouse was dark, not operating and more than likely will be demolished along with much of the center due to the destruction caused by the fire.

Jack Oberleitner
Jack Oberleitner on April 12, 2011 at 1:19 am

Although the above mentioned fire did not damage the theatre, I sadly must report that the Page went under the wrecking ball and bulldozer today (11 April 2011). The decision to tear down the theatre came as a complete surprise to everyone including the Mayor and Development Director of Riverside. Nouveau Cinema Group, a Dayton based non-profit is now looking for a new venue in the Miami Valley.

The status of this theatre should be changed to DEMOLISHED.

robboehm on April 29, 2015 at 8:28 pm

Would be nice if some “in the day photos” could be found.

robboehm on May 11, 2015 at 10:45 am

My company opened a Dayton satellite office in the 1970s and I happened to see an ad for this theater in a newspaper that one of my associates brought back to New York. I was surprised to see the Century name since the company was based in Brooklyn, NY and, until the advent of shopping centers was basically a Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island operation. They did foray onto Staten Island and in to New Jersey. Was surprised they went as far a Dayton. I wonder if they others of which I’m not aware.

robboehm on May 11, 2015 at 11:05 am

Did a little Google searching and came upon a site with a lot of depressing Page Manor interior photos. Uploaded a better picture of the exterior. There was actually a closeup but the “O” was missing. Obviously vacant. Also the sign trying to drum up support for the theater and a picture of the main auditorium. From the comment on the photo it was inferred that the second theater, seating 271 was carved from the rear of the original auditorium. Photo of the second auditorium was already in the photo section.

rivest266 on May 15, 2018 at 5:47 pm

This opened on May 24th, 1967 by Century theatres of Brooklyn – Long Island NY and sold to Charkeres in 1975. 2 screens on December 21st, 1977 and closed in 1993. Reopened 1994-1998, January 30th, 2004-2006. 1967, 1977 and 2004 grand opening ads in the photo section.

dallasmovietheaters on January 9, 2021 at 9:11 am

This theatre’s genesis is found in January of 1965 when the Broumas Theatre Circuit was building new shopping center theaters throughout Ohio, Maryland and Virginia. This was to be #47 for Broumas which was part of a $750,000 expansion of the Page Manor shopping complex that included the $250,000 Page Manor Theatre. However, by late 1966, Broumas was in severe financial distress followed by its 1967 bankruptcy. The project was taken over by Century Theatres which opened in May of 1967.

dallasmovietheaters on January 9, 2021 at 12:47 pm

This theatre’s genesis is found in January of 1965 when the Broumas Theatre Circuit was building new shopping center theaters throughout Ohio, Maryland and Virginia. This was to be #47 for Broumas which was part of a $750,000 expansion of the Page Manor shopping complex that included the $250,000 Page Manor Theatre. However, by late 1966, Broumas was in severe financial distress followed by its 1967 bankruptcy. The project was taken over - as was another failed Broumas project in Phoenix, the Thomas Mall Cinema - by Century Theatres which opened both in May of 1967.

Mark_L on February 8, 2021 at 5:56 pm

Five 70mm films were shown at this theatre, and they are listed in an article at the In70mm website

ForgttenDayton on July 26, 2023 at 8:28 am

The above overview is incorrect. This theatre never opened as Page Cinemas Art Theatre , an awful name if I have ever heard one.

This theatre should be listed as Page Manor Twin Cinemas , the last name it operated under.

After the Page Manor Twin Cinemas was closed in 2006 it sat vacant.

In 2010 a “ group ” leased the theatre and began soliciting for funds referring to the theatre a Page Cinema Art Theatre.

There was never any new signage put with this new awful name for the place.

In 2011 after a year of suppose soliciting for funds , the theatre was still not opened.

The landlord and others who gave this “group” funding found out that money was being used for other’s personal gain.

As a criminal investigation began the theatre was later demolished.

There was a fire that destroyed about half of the Page Manor Shopping Center , but the theatre’s fate had nothing to do with that.

This is the Page Manor Twin Cinemas. The Page Cinema Art Theatre was never opened , it was a money scam.

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