Pavilion Cinema

Burnopfield Road,
Rowlands Gill, NE39 1QG

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Pavilion Cinema

Located in Rowlands Gill to the south of Blaydon on Tyne, County Durham, at the corner of Burnopfield Road and Station Road. Built by William Smith as a roller skating rink in 1910. It was a wooden building with corrugated iron sheets. In 1912 it was operated by Biddle & Co. and was converted into the Pavilion Cinema by constructing a wall down the centre of the building, retaining roller skating in one half of the building. Soon after the Pavilion Cinema opened the roller skating rink was converted into a dance hall. The building was unused in 1916. It has since been demolished and the Vale of Derwent Social Club now occupies the site.

Contributed by Ken Roe
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