Capri Theater
3500 E. Independence Boulevard,
3500 E. Independence Boulevard,
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There is a typo in the architect and firm fields. The name should be Charles H. Wheatley, not Charles R. Wheatley.
Name contest
Winning name: Capri Sat, Jun 27, 1964 – 38 · The Charlotte News (Charlotte, North Carolina) · Newspapers.com
The Capri became a twin cinema on March 7th, 1975 and three screens opening on November 20th, 1981. Grand opening ads posted.
Nice article on the Capri posted yesterday by The Charlotte Observer http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/retro-charlotte/article196133484.html
drove by there last week empty..still sranding..
Well, no. I did see E.T. at the Capri, but I was 11 at the time. Saw Lethal Weapon at a General Cinema in Pineville that had just opened. We had Lethal Weapon 2 at Town Cinema 6 in 1989 while I was there. Talk about capacity crowds, “Friday the 13th Part VII – The New Blood” sold out on Friday, May 13th 1988 at TC6. That was a wild crowd.
binchwb: You probably worked there when they showed “E.T.” too which brought in capacity crowds in 1982. Also played here was the original “Lethal Weapon” movie in 1987.
I love that one of the pictures online is of “Star Trek – The Motion Picture” playing at the Capri – saw it there multiple times. Back when the movie was released, McDonald’s ran a Happy Meal tie-in campaign. What made it more special is if you brought your empty Star Trek Happy Meal box to the Capri, they would fill it with popcorn for free. I had a stack of those boxes (all legitimately purchased), so I honestly don’t recall how many times I saw that picture, maybe 3 or 4.
I saw many, many movies at the Capri through the 70s and 80s. At the moment, only “Star Trek – TMP,” “Superman III,” “ and Star Trek III: The Search for Spock” are springing to mind. I remember very well that one of the auditoriums had a stage. I only ever saw maybe someone during a radio station promotion on that stage, though.
I had a very, very brief work experience at the Capri in the late 80s, when it was a second-run house and sadly on it’s way out. I worked at the Town Cinema 6 over by UNCC and they were both run by Carmike at the time. We frequently ran supplies back and forth to each theater (CO2 tanks, popcorn oil drums, etc.), so we were all familiar with each other. After a management change, a buddy of mine at Town Cinema, where we were both assistant or relief managers, was asked to come over and help manage the Capri.
At that time, the Capri was run by a family (or at least the manager had employed her son), and I think higher management wanted someone (competent) to come in and help them – don’t mean to step on any toes, but the manager was an older lady and her adult son kept sidling up to me saying “Mama is gonna clean house.” Guess they had additional staff issues, but he didn’t elaborate.
I went over one evening with some sort of delivery and my buddy gave me a tour of the place (not the stage area – didn’t even think of it at the time). I had gotten used to having a popcorn popper in the concession area, so seeing that the Capri’s was upstairs by the projector booth was strange to me.
When a show was about to start that night, I jumped behind the concession stand to help (I don’t think they needed me to, but I was trying to justify hanging out there – I always liked the place). No one warned me, but their butter pump had a heck of a kickback. One pump and I was wearing the oil when it splashed all over the top of the popcorn. Oh well, it was still fun. I wish I had hung out more there while it was still in operation. A great old theater!
“Thoroughly Modern Millie”-June 14,1967
“My Fair Lady”-January 27,1965
“The Agony and the Ecstasy”-January 26,1966
“The Hallelujah Trail”-October 7,1965
“The Lion In Winter”-February 12,1969
In doing some research on this theater i have found out that the theater actually opened on October 16th, 1964 and not on November 2nd as listed above. Not a huge deal but thought it would be good to post. I will post a picture of the opening night ad that proclaims the theater as “a new concept in theatre design” and also a blurb about the opening of the theater in the photo section.
Peter O'Toole and Katherine Hepburn in THE LION IN WINTER played here as a reserved seat engagement at Charlotte’s Capri Theatre on February 12, 1969. It was the ONLY roadshow presentation that played within the two Carolinas with two performances during each showing.
Nighthawk1 The Capri was a single screen , 995 seat theatre from the time it opened until I left in 1974. Second and third screens were added after 1974
In my opinion the Capri was the best looking theater Stewart & Everett ever built; S&E apparently never used the Capri’s design for any other location – this was obviously S&E’s flagship until they opened the Town Cinema 6 in the 1980s (The Town Cinema was cloned several times, unlike the Capri). Under Carmike the Capri and Village theaters were run as dollar houses; the Village closed first (about 1989) and the Capri closed after Carmike took over Cineplex Odeon’s NC theaters (Park Terrace and Matthews Festival 10 in the Charlotte area) in 1990. The Capri Theater closed long before 1996; AKA Capri 1 & 2, Capri 1-2-3, and finally Capri Triple.
I am working on a project on “Lost” Charlotte Movie Theaters for UNC-Charlotte where i am a faculty member. Would love to get in touch with anyone who as insight into this theater (stories, pics, whatever). You can send me an email at lostclttheaters@gmail.com and hopefully we can talk about your interest or info on the lost theaters of Charlotte. – Thanks
Don’t know how busy it was in 1982 with “E.T.” – I left in 1975 – didn’t remember that picture playing first run there either. About the ads – do you mean you have the tear sheets? (from the newspaper) Or do you mean you have the actual paste-ups? I’ll email you.
Patricia Carol: It must have been crazy dealing with the capacity crowds when “E.T.” played there in June of 1982. I know the ushers were really working their behinds off between showings,not to mention dealing with the capacity crowds that arrived early for that too. By the way Patricia e-mail me sometime at rcj5365@excite.com I have in my possession the original ads for “E.T.” where it played at the Capri first-run in 1982. Also,the original ad from January 28,1965 where the Capri played “My Fair Lady” during it’s exclusive roadshow run. Not to mention,I have the ad for the theatre’s grand opening from the Charlotte Observer newspaper of November 2,1964.
You would be right but I don’t remember anyone by the last name of Cox (assuming that is your last name). You probably paid little attention to me. I worked very part-time in the beginning but (I think) at least two part-time shifts on the weekend during The Exorcist. Exorcist was so busy – the ushers were really, really working with the crowd and we were crazy back behind the concession stand – as soon as we finally got the last served, it would start all over again as people arrived early for the next show. Wasn’t lots of time for chit-chatting while it played. Learned how to count back change in that job – no one knows how to do that anymore but I’ve never forgotten.
Patricia. I was there when the exorcist was there also. We must have worked together.
Steven Spielburg’s masterpiece “E.T.” played here first-run at this theatre on June 11,1982. I have the original ads from the Charlotte Observer. Presented in DOBLY STEREO.
Well, they were not big stars at the time. Just starting out I think. I got to go to the luncheon for them but mr brand had me work the rest of the day and David Newton got to spend the rest of the day driving them to various public apperiences in his red 66 ford mustang. Movie premiered in July 1973.
tccox and patriciacarol: Interesting! I do recall the Junior Johnson Story having its world premiere for one of the ads that I saw in the Charlotte Observer,somewhere during the mid-1970’s. Having the honor and the pleasure of meeting two big Hollywood stars…Jeff Bridges and Valerie Perrine and joining them for lunch across the street from the theatre! That’s a day worth remembering! I’m from the Raleigh-Durham area,and I was born in the Charlotte area,and I do recall vivid memories of the Capri Theatre. Not to mention The Ramada Inn across Independence Boulevard and at one time The Peddler Steakhouse,which was Charlotte’s top-rated restaurant that was next door to the cinema! All along that stretch of Independence Boulevard! E-mail: rcj5365@excite.com
Cool! Wonder where those photos went? Daddy always made sure there were photos of any promotions – I’m afraid my mother threw away some things not too long after his death in 1998. She didn’t think they were important. I did not remember that premier but remembered the movie. And the Ramada Inn’s restaurant across the street used to be a nice place to go. Not to mention The Peddler Steakhouse next door to the theatre (for a time). Thanks for sharing!
Ok, the last American hero, the junior Johnson story made its world premier at the Capri. The stars Jeff bridges and valerie perin came and I had the pleasure of having lunch with them at the hotel across the street from the Capri.
On January 31, 1977 Carrie was playing and for just a day, author Stephen King was in the lobby signing copies of his book of the same title (you could purchase the paperbacks there). I was no longer an employee but came by, thinking there would be a huge crowd and there was no one – so I sat in the lobby and chit-chatted with Stephen King for a few minutes and of course, bought a book and had him sign it. Nothing profound from it – just a little quirky bit of history for the Capri.
Hello! I loved Mr. Higgins – everyone did! He was funny — when the 2nd auditorium was built, he would tear the tickets and just say “To your left” or “To your right” over and over (well, if it was busy it would be over and over) I started with The Exorcist in 1974 – concession stand – sometimes it was so wild back there but there was nothing better than getting everyone served and in the theatre in record time. Don’t remember Mr. Anderson. And I agree, Mr. Brand was a great boss!